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A Principal's Reflections.


Master of Arts in Teaching Online | Masters in Teaching | MAT@USC. Teacher Certification Map | Become a Teacher. The Blog. The Evil Spawn doesn’t have a phone. She has two parents who work, eat, and sleep technology but she doesn’t have a phone. Why? One, she doesn’t have a job. So how would she pay for it? Two, she is twelve going on thirteen going on forty, but up to this point her parents (mainly mom… and mom is always right) don’t think she is emotionally ready for a phone.

Sure, she would know the technology portion forwards and backwards, but we weren’t sure if she was ready with the emotional responsibility that comes with putting a computer in her pocket. There are mean people everywhere, but owning a phone just gives them more access to our kid. It’s a big world out there and we weren’t sure if she was ready to carry it around in her back pocket. Lastly, our daughter goes from home to school. I’m not one of the parents who believe my child will always be safe and never in danger just because she has a phone.

Do phones help with safety? In 2014, cell phones (and all technology) is wonderful. My money. 1.