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Visual Media> Bully/Shame. UNR4Liberty >>Discussion Flowchart. CAIR >>NY Calls for Probe of Bullying Resulting in Expulsion Hearing for Muslim Students. Muslim civil rights group asks police to investigate possible bias motive for vandalism to Muslim family’s home (NEW YORK, NY, 3/16/2016) – The New York chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-NY) today called for an outside investigation of the alleged bullying that resulted in two Muslim brothers at Williamsville East High School in Williamsville, N.Y., facing an expulsion hearing. Family members say the Muslim are being punished after they were forced to defend themselves from anti-Muslim bullies. The students report that the bullying has been occurring for years. This weekend, the family’s house was pelted with eggs and rocks, resulting in broken doors and windows. An expulsion hearing with Williamsville’s superintendent was scheduled for Monday, but has been rescheduled for Friday.

Williamsville Superintendent Dr. Scott Martzloff said the district “takes harassment, bullying, insensitive or intolerant behavior very seriously.” EdWeek >>Studies Probe 'Ecology' of Bullying. Published Online: May 18, 2010 Published in Print: May 19, 2010, as Studies Probe 'Ecology' of Bullying In the mid-1990s, a pair of Canadian researchers videotaping children on playgrounds made a simple observation that helped shift experts’ views about bullying: When children bullied other children, they rarely did it alone. “People began to realize that bullying wasn’t just a problem between two kids,” said Susan M.

Swearer, an associate professor of school psychology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Research now suggests that bullies, their victims, bystanders, parents, teachers, and other adults in the building are all part of an ecology in schools that can either sustain or suppress bullying behaviors. Understanding the full measure of bullying is especially important now as districts, states, and federal education officials step up their efforts to combat the scourge in schools. Most recently, Massachusetts became the 42nd state to enact an anti-bullying law. Mixed Record Ms. Shriver >>Brené Brown: Shame, Empathy, and the Wholehearted Journey. Essay partially excerpted from The Gifts of Imperfection Turning down speaking invitations is a vulnerable process for me because years of pleasing and perfecting have left me feeling less than comfortable with disappointing people. Not only does the “good girl” in me hate letting people down, but I sometimes struggle with the fear that if I say no everyone is going to stop asking.

My new commitment to setting boundaries comes from the twelve years I’ve spent studying wholeheartedness and what it takes to make the journey from “What will people think?” To “I am enough.” The most connected and compassionate people of those I’ve interviewed set and respect boundaries. Well, last year I received an email from a man who was really angry with me because I wasn’t able to speak at an event that he was hosting, which conflicted with a family birthday. The email was mean-spirited and jam-packed with personal attacks. Trust me, it was not “good girl” wording. I hit Reply instead of Forward. TED >>Brené Brown: The power of vulnerability.

TED >>Monica Lewinsky: The Price of Shame. Sexual Assault Allegations.

Workplace Bullying