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Bruce Ames - Nutrition

Facebook Twitter CELLULAR NUTRITION / The Hunt to Fix Hidden Hunger / Biochemist Bruce Ames thinks a simple multivitamin may fight obesity | Full Page. The biochemist who invented one of the first tests for carcinogens, the same man who made a career of decrying organic agriculture and infuriating environmentalists with his full-throated defense of pesticides, has just devoured a massive pile of glistening, organically farmed arugula. He nibbles a piece of warm bread as he waits for the second course: steaming polpettini, tiny fried meatballs.

"Ooh, that looks good," Bruce Ames says, as he prepares to tuck in. Ames, who is tall and small-framed with an academic moustache, thick, round glasses and a penchant for bow ties, has long been a regular at Oliveto in North Oakland. Between bites, he recalls his decades-long love affair with the laboratory, a liaison that continues to cultivate controversy in this, his 78th year. Four years later, Ames published a study in the same journal, calling environmentalists to task for their criticism of agricultural pesticides.

For years, Ames kept his microscope focused narrowly on cancer and aging. Entretien avec le Dr Bruce Ames, PhD. « … Je pense que des dommages métaboliques insidieux se produisent, même avec seulement de très faibles déficiences en micronutriments… et qu'ils vont augmenter le risque de cancer, de maladie cardio-vasculaire, de dysfonctionnement cognitif et d'autres maladies associées au vieillissement. » Dr Bruce Ames, dans sa Théorie du triage Au cours de ses soixante années de carrière, le Dr Ames a publié plus de cinq cent trente articles et s'est constamment classé dans les cent scientifiques les plus cités1. Sa contribution et celle de son laboratoire à notre connaissance du métabolisme et du vieillissement cellulaire sont immenses et continues. Nutra News : Comment avez-vous développé votre théorie du triage et comment a-t-elle été accueillie par le monde scientifique ?

Ce fut une expérience superbe ! Nutra News : Est-ce aller trop loin que suggérer que c'est probablement notre mauvaise alimentation plus que les toxines environnementales qui est derrière l'augmentation du cancer ? Bruce Ames. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Bruce Ames Ses recherches sont focalisées sur le cancer et le vieillissement. Ses travaux actuels portent sur l'identification d'agents permettant le retard du vieillissement mitochondrial et la mise en évidence du rôle des mitochondries dans le vieillissement en particulier au niveau du cerveau. Il s'intéresse également aux agents mutagènes en lien avec la prévention du cancer et du vieillissement. Il est l'auteur de plus de 450 publications scientifiques et fait partie des quelques centaines de scientifiques les plus cités dans tous les domaines. En 1998, celui-ci a reçu la National Medal of Science.

Bruce Ames - Understanding Aging. Dr. Bruce N. Ames - Poor Nutrition Accelerates Aging and Obesity. ExPASy - Biochemical Pathways. <center><strong>The ExPASy Server requires Javascript to be fully functional. You may not see all the information available for this page <a href="/javascript.html">(More information)</a>.

<br /></strong></center> For enquiries on how to obtain a paper copy of the wall chart, please contact Roche Applied Science directly, and do not email the ExPASy staff. Go to Cellular and Molecular Processes. How old is your metabolism? - The Healthy Professor. All the biochemical pathways of your metabolism...keep them going strong! Thought you may enjoy a vintage Healthy Professor column where a reader asked me about aging and metabolism. Don’t be afraid to read it…it’s not that bad. Dear Healthy Professor: Does our metabolism change as we age? With age comes wisdom and a slower metabolism. Our metabolism is a series of chemical reactions that capture calories from carbohydrate, protein and fat in food and convert them into energy we can use.

An interesting fact is that muscle is more metabolically active than fat. The loss of muscle tissue as we age is called sarcopenia (pronounced SAR-co-PEEN-yuh). Before you go and buy elastic waist pants there are a few things you can do. Finally, try to exercise regularly. Whatever you choose to do, the goal is to start today to preserve your muscles and balance your metabolism. Bruce N. Ames. Vitamin and Mineral Inadequacy Accelerates Aging-Associated Diseases I posited, and have buttressed, "triage theory" (1,2): metabolism responds to moderate deficiency of an essential vitamin or mineral (V/M) so that the scarce V/M is preferentially retained by V/M-dependent proteins necessary for short-term survival and reproduction.

In contrast, proteins needed for long term health, which I term "longevity proteins" because they defend against the diseases associated with aging, lose the V/M and are disabled. Most of the world's population, including that of the U.S., are moderately deficient in one or more of the ~30 essential V/Ms.

Moreover, since the damage from moderate deficiency is insidious, its importance for long-term health is not being appreciated. References: Ames, B (2006)Proc. 2010 Orthomolecular Medicine Today Conference Photo Gallery. Bruce N. Ames, Ph.D.