Certifications or Licensing for insurance - Cruisers & Sailing Forums. Marina access in Hurricane. Hi all.
We have just come through another Hurricane, a Cat1 storm this time, down here in La Paz BCS.Hurricane Lorena turned out to be a difficult storm to track, the various models showed the storm at conflicting strengths going in varying directions, so, it was a difficult decision making time, right up to the 3pm (our time) NOAA update, which showed an eastward movement bringing the storm very close to us. Up until this time it was forecast to brush the cape of the peninsular and go out into the Pacific, missing us by a couple of hundred miles.
Everyone here at anchor was well aware of the storm and were well prepared for the event, however after this last update when we became aware of a potential direct hit, several of us contacted marina's to go in for the duration of the storm. We have several Marina's here, 5 are large and quite new, but only 1 responded positively to my call, all other marina's informed us they were full and had no room. Passing on ownership when you die. Quote: Does that work when registering the boat with the Fed's Documentationservice?
For real estate, they have these deeds pre-printed for Joint Tenancy or Tenancy in Common etc but I'm not finding anything relating to boats. USCG tells me to contact an attorney but those with dry feet don't know marine law. I was hoping to find examples or talk to other owners who figured this out. I had most of my Dad's side of the family pass in one year. The estate tax threshold is very high right now, so taxes aren't really a consideration. Getting the documentation on the boat correct will be important since there is a good chance that the boat will be in a foreign port at the time of my death. Just dropped by my insurance company in Carribbean. - Cruisers & Sailing Forums.
Cost per hour of running engine. Think you got your division backwards a coupla times.
Fuel GPH............................1.5 Fuel Cost Per Hour...............6 Oil Change, Each...............50 Oil Change, Hours............150 Oil Cost Per Hour.................3 Should be .33/hr Fuel Filter Change, Each.....20 Fuel Filter Hours................50 Fuel Filter Cost Per Hour.......2.5 Should be .40/hr Engine Lifetime Hours.....8000 Engine Cost..................10000 Engine Misc Repairs.........1500 Engine Cost Per Hour.............1.4375 Total Engine Cost/hr.............12.9375 PER HOUR Should be 8.1675/hr. Login / Register - Canadian Beacon Registry. Canadian Beacon Registry www.cbr-rcb.ca Skip to content |Skip to institutional links Common menu bar links Home Page > Login / Register Institutional Links Login / Register - Canadian Beacon Registry Register New Account Forgot Password Date Modified: Top of Page.
Ship Station MMSI. The Canadian Hydrographic Service and the law. Cruising World. Insurance, what can you afford to lose? So you are paying 3000 per year with the French insurance .
Thinking that the boat might be new and you have 10 good years of the riggings, engine etc that would make 30.000 , saving that money is enouph to repair the boat in most common damage . Ofcourse you will need to keep a third liability to cover other issues . Thinking that and that losing the value of the boat is not gonna effect your life critically to me.it seems that the insurance is just waste of money .
I did have the same thought on my boat and I decided to go only with third liability . The reason I quite my insurance : Continues request for surveys when cruising in places with no good surveyors therefore was a waste of.money just for signature . Personnel or agents unable to understand what I really needed to be insured 80% of them where quoting me for propeller shaft , engine and trailer on a sailboat . Limiting my cruising ground. What Marine Insurance Companies Don't Want You To Know.
This is a long post, but I promise it contains some very important information that you probably didn’t know… Let me begin with a little history.
When we first purchased our boat back in 2013, we didn’t have a clue about what kind of insurance we needed, just that we needed it. We were not sailors. Peter and I both had over 10 years of boating experience, but not on the kind that had masts and keels jetting conspicuously straight up and straight down from the hull. Countless mishaps and horror stories were shared with us by each person we encountered, engraining the fear into us that we needed insurance, whatever the cost. “You haven’t really sailed in Florida waters unless you’ve run aground at least once!”
You may be wondering, “do you really need insurance?” If you’ve ever tried to get insurance on a boat or a car for the first time, you know that pretty much no company wants to cover you. Luckily, we knew just the guy to help us out. This wasn’t all I learned… Consequential Damage: