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BetterFonts. The BetterFonts mod adds TrueType/OpenType font support for Minecraft.


This mod will use the fonts installed on your system for drawing text instead of the builtin bitmap fonts that come with Minecraft. Languages such as Arabic and Hindi look much better with this mod since both require complex layout that the bitmap fonts simply can't provide. All in-game text will change to use the new fonts including GUIs, the F3 debug screen, chat, and even signs. This mod should have little or no impact on performance. Unicode Text in Chat: Starting with 1.3.2, both the regular Minecraft server and CraftBukkit allow using full Unicode text in chat. Screenshots: Spoiler: English Title Screen Arabic Options Language Selection F3 Debug Screen Downloads:BetterFonts 1.4.4 - 2012/11/16 Change Log: Updated to Minecraft 1.4.4Older Versions:Installation: Installation is the same as for any other mod.

Source Code: The source code is available in a GitHub repository and is licensed under the LGPL. Rei's Minimap. OptiFine. HD Textures Minecraft 1.5 and above comes with general support for HD textures.


OptiFine fixes many bugs, adds support for new features and fixes the performance of larger texture packs. Custom Animations Minecraft 1.5 and above supports animations for blocks and items (info). OptiFine additionally enables the animation of all other textures. To create a custom animation for any texture in the game create a ".properties" file in the anim/ folder of your texture pack.

In it, supply the source and destination texture, along with coordinates of the area you wish to animate. [64x][1.8]Monster Hunter Theme(UPDATE 9/10) PLEASE READI am officially dropping this pack.

[64x][1.8]Monster Hunter Theme(UPDATE 9/10)

Though people probably already figured that out or have forgotten about it by now. The pack is now open for reproductive use. You may freely take any content from this and use it, so long as you make some form of linking to me and the original author, Sodio. I'd also appreciate a message to me, and definitely a post here, telling where to find the new pack. I might return to the minecraft community at some point, though that remains to be seen. Sorry I didn't deliver for you guys on this. And uhh, sorry I didn't get around to officially doing this earlier. Member of the Texture Artist's Union, which I encourage support for. WELCOME: Welcome to my Monster Hunter Theme.

Please take note that this is a theme, and currently does not edit the terrain.png file. UPDATE: 1.3 The GUI update. 1.3 will be droped in multiple parts as it is completed. DOWNLOAD: To show support using, please use this link to download: Alternate download here.