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Getting started with Cofee Script Idyllic Software. Many people might consider upgrading their Rails 2 apps since even Rails 4 is now released! We too recently upgraded the website of one of our clients – Founder’s Institute from Rails 2 to Rails 3. Migration is sometimes tricky but we outlined a plan for this and we were able to finish up quickly Lately I’ve been reading a lot about Mongodb and posts dissuading you from ever using it. Some of these articles are seriously outrageous and make me wonder what got the team to actually start using Mongodb in the first place. Getting quotes from market is always a good idea. Hubspot promotes itself as an Inbound marketing tool. I’ve been a localtunnel user for quite some time now and I really love the fact that its a free service, quick to install and easy to expose your development app to the world. 15 Things for a Ruby Beginner.

The following is a post I had recently sent the Bangalore Ruby User Group. It has been slightly modified to address a larger audience. There were many Ruby beginners in last week's meetup, and the common question we heard was 'after the very basics, what next? ' The best way to learn Ruby best practices is to pair with an experienced dev; the way I learned was by inheriting a reasonably small, but well-written codebase from an amazing colleague. In the absence of either, here is a checklist of 15 things (since 'N things that you need to know about X' is the in-thing these days!) That I'd recommend a Ruby beginner to consider: 1. Our very own has a Ruby primer which was written for exactly this purpose; we open our inbox everyday to gushing feedback from people who've found it to be a great way to learn Ruby. also has a basic introduction to Ruby, and has been around longer.

I have heard good things about Learn Ruby the Hardway, but haven't tried it out myself. 2. The Only Web Hosting Guide You Will Ever Need - For Perfect Speed, Price, and Support. When launching a website, one of the most important decisions that you have to make is selecting a good web hosting company. While the importance of selecting the right CMS and hiring a good designer is outlined in every other technology blog or magazine nowadays, hardly anyone talks about the importance of a good web host. However, a good host is not just important but also indispensable.

After all, you wouldn’t want your visitors to find your site offline 9 times out of the 10 visits that they pay to your website, would you? Here at 1WD, we have taken upon ourselves to help you find the ideal web host. Best Web Hosting for Designers? Yes, that’s right. Things You should Consider when Choosing a Web Host The Basics Everyone knows what shared hosting is, VPS, and reseller hosting packages. Always do your home-work before finalizing a web host Image Credit What matters is picking the ideal hosting package for you.

Bandwidth v/s Disk Space Never under-estimate the bandwidth! Image Credit Host B: Integrating Rails and WordPress | Usability Luddite. I do most of my development in Rails, but many sites need a tab that contains a blog, so I’d like to install WordPress in my Rails app. Here’s how I do it. (I’m using Passenger for deployment.) We first need to create a space for the blog, and we do that by creating a symbolic link in the Rails’ app’s public folder: cd path/to/rails/app/public ln -s /path/to/wordpress/installation news This separates the WordPress from the Rails app physically, so it makes deployment easier. <Directory "/path/to/rails/app/public/news"> PassengerEnabled off AllowOverride all </Directory> Now, theoretically, that’s all you’d need to do, but the theme for the blog should be the same as the theme for your app.

<! And my routes.rb file contains: get "/styles" => "home#styles" get "/header" => "home#header" get "/footer" => "home#footer" and my home_controller.rb file contains: And, to use it, I created a little plugin for WordPress. Here is the entire code of the plugin: 5 ways to send a custom software project off the rails. Borrowing a metaphor from the construction industry, we have to constantly apply value engineering to avoid overinvestment.

At every turn, we must ask, “Isn’t there a simpler way?” This all happens in big cloud projects as well. There are many contributing factors to these bad outcomes-chief among them adversarial incentives, inappropriate metrics and lack of collaborative infrastructure-but those aren’t the root cause. It doesn’t matter how well you collaborate and execute if you are working on the wrong thing. Custom Software Projects Beget Unnecessary Code When The Standish Group conducted an analysis of big Y2K projects, it evaluated the old COBOL systems that were being converted rather than the success of those conversion projects. Borrowing a metaphor from the construction industry again, we have to constantly apply value engineering to avoid overinvestment in custom software.

The following five “great ideas” can send any custom software project off the rails. Ruby on Rails Developer (employee #1, generous equity + salary) job opening from LeanLaunchLab. Hire Ruby on Rails Developers, Senior Architects onsite and offshore. Hire your team of Ruby Developers We offer best ruby developers who can work closely with you and more importantly your vision. We have been successful with this business model for the past 6-years and have great success stories from our clients that keep us motivated to perform better. Our development practices usually will be focused around the below areas, Rails Versions we support - 2.3.x, 3.0Ruby Versions - 1.8.x, 1.9.2Coding Standards: Test Driven Development with RspecProject management tools - Pivotal(agile development) & BasecampBug tracking - MantisAutomated tests - SeleniumJavascript Libraries - Jquery, backbone.js, KendoUI and moreSource Code - GIT (github)Hosting Support - Staging - Amazon ec2 or HerokuHosting support & deployment - Amazon, Heroku, Rackspace, slicehost and linodeOther Technical skills: PHP(Drupal/Zend), Python and .netMobile: Iphone, Android and ipad Some of the most common queries that comes to peoples mind in a distributed development model.