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Robo Virtual Events | Home. The NextGen Education & Research Robotics Virtual Summit will focus on the implementation of robotics to accelerate learning in such vital subject areas as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) among K-12 and college-level students. The appeal of robots and robotics technology among children and young adults is well known. And since robots represent a practical application of key principles in physics, computer science, engineering, and mathematics, educators have discovered they can use robotics technology as a way to teach and dramatically illustrate critical concepts within each of these disciplines.

Forecasts show that robotics education will shortly become commonplace in K12 and college classrooms throughout the industrialized world – both as a subject unto itself and as a means of giving students the skills needed to compete in today’s global technology workforce. Education Robotics Research Robotics. Robotics. Les nouvelles concernant la robotique -

SF Story - Les robots dans le cinéma SF. Tentative de définition 'auteur tchèque Karel Capek créa le mot "robot" à partir du terme tchèque désignant l'"ouvrier" dans sa pièce "R.U.R. Les robots universels de Rossum". Rossum désignant le cerveau en tchèque. Ses robots étaient des créatures de chair et de sang que Philip K.Dick aurait appelé de nos jours des androïdes, forme très évoluée du robot originel. Dans les films de science-fiction, le terme "robot" désigne généralement des machines à silhouette humaine. Il est intéressant de noter que Robot en tchèque signifie travail forcé ou tâche pénible. Robots, Cyborgs et Androïdes dans le cinéma SF L'image véhiculée dans les films de science-fiction est souvent celle d'une forme plus ou moins humanoïde.

Après être apparus dans la littérature tout court sous la forme d'automates, puis dans la science-fiction sous le nom de robot, ils sont avant tout l'œuvre de l'homme, ce créateur démiurge. Les lois de la robotique Filmographie chronologique sur les robots D.A.R.Y.L. A.I. France Developing Advanced Humanoid Robot Romeo. Romeo, shown here in a computer-generated rendering, is a French humanoid robot designed to assist elderly and disabled people. Image: Aldebaran Robotics France is set to join the select club of countries that have developed advanced adult-size humanoid robots. Paris-based Aldebaran Robotics, famed for its small humanoid robot Nao, is working with major French research organizations to build a larger and more capable humanoid called Romeo, to be unveiled next March. Designed to assist elderly and disabled individuals in their daily activities, the 1.4-meter-tall robot will be able to walk through a home, fetching food from the kitchen, taking out the garbage, and acting as a loyal companion who helps entertain its owners and keep tabs on their health.

Expected to cost about 250,000 euros, Romeo will be available first to partners in the project and university researchers. The company also says it's putting a lot of emphasis on the robot's communication capabilities. RG: No.


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