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Robotics Conferences

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The Best Robots of CES 2011. CES 2011: Vgo shows off telepresence robot that can visit remote offices to Guardian Technology. iRobot Scooba 230 Floor Washing Robot. CES 2011: Murata Boy and Murata Girl Demo. Fujitsu's Talking Robotic Teddy Bear. Robot Suit HAL Demo at CES 2011. iRobot Unveils App-Ready AVA Robot (CES 2011) Sphero Computer. DreamBots Ltd. | Wheeme | Massage Robot | Robotic massager. WheeMe Massage Robot Roams Around Your Back. There are several therapeutic robots out there, but this one is a bit different. While robots like Paro the baby seal require you to stroke them, the DreamBots Wheeme caresses you. According to the company, this massage robot uses "unique tilt sensor technology" to move slowly across a person's body "without falling off or losing its grip.

" As the bot roams around, its four sprocket-like rubber wheels press gently on the skin. Founded by a bunch of Israeli electronics and defense engineers, DreamBots will show off the WheeMe at CES next January. It's unclear how big the market is for a body-rolling robot. In the meantime, watch the WheeMe navigate: Another video and more images: Wheeme home made Demonstration, DreamBots WheeMe, CES 2011, Video Contest.