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Occupy Congress on Jan. 17: ‘Largest Occupy protest ever’ - BlogPost. Posted at 09:37 AM ET, 12/02/2011 Dec 02, 2011 02:37 PM EST TheWashingtonPost In the two weeks since the New York Police Department cleared New York’s Zuccotti Park of its camping protesters, the Occupy Wall Street movement has increasingly turned its attention to Washington. Last week, some 50 marchers arrived at McPherson Square from New York and then marched on the Capitol. Yesterday, Occupy DC targeted congressional Democrats at a campaign fundraiser. Now, protesters say they plan to Occupy Congress on Jan. 17, in the “largest Occupy protest ever!”

Occupy D.C. turns on Democrats. December 2, 2011 (92) The Definitive Post On Why SOPA And Protect IP Are Bad, Bad Ideas. There's been plenty of talk (and a ton of posts here on Techdirt) discussing both SOPA (originally E-PARASITE) and PROTECT IP (aka PIPA), but it seemed like it would be useful to create a single, "definitive" post to highlight why both of these bills are extremely problematic and won't do much (if anything) to deal with the issues they're supposed to deal with, but will have massive unintended consequences. I also think it's important to highlight how PIPA is almost as bad as SOPA. Tragically, because SOPA was so bad, some in the entertainment industry have seen it as an opportunity to present PIPA as a "compromise. " It is not. Both bills have tremendous problems, and they start with the fact that neither bill will help deal with the actual issues being raised.

That main issue, we're told over and over again, is "piracy" and specifically "rogue" websites. And, let's be clear: infringement is a problem. Thus, the real issue is that this is a business model problem. So... Occupy Boston Protesters May Remain Until Ruling, Judge Says. Dec. 2 (Bloomberg) -- Occupy Boston protesters were allowed by a state court judge to remain in the city’s Dewey Square while she considers whether to lift an order that bars their eviction.

Suffolk Superior Court Judge Frances McIntyre in Boston yesterday said the order will remain in place until she issues her decision on or before Dec. 15. The judge heard testimony from the city’s fire marshal warning that the square is a firetrap plagued by cigarette smoking, close quarters and flammable materials. “People need to be removed from that site immediately if the court allows,” Boston Fire Marshal Bart Shea testified.

“Every day that place is occupied, I fear for the life and safety of everyone on that property.” The Occupy Wall Street movement began in New York as a protest against income inequality and has spread to cities around the world. Police in New York drove the demonstrators from their encampment in a Lower Manhattan park last month. Expecting Raid 291 Arrests Burning Sage. A Message to “OCCUPY” Organizers & Participants - Sage Francis. Through h4x0r3d's eyes. Former Chase Banker Admits His Bank Pushed Minorities Into Subprime Mortgage Loans. By Pat Garofalo on December 1, 2011 at 9:20 am "Former Chase Banker Admits His Bank Pushed Minorities Into Subprime Mortgage Loans" One of the most pernicious practices in which the nation’ biggest banks engaged during the lead up to the financial crisis was pushing minority borrowers into subprime loans, even when many of them qualified for prime loans.

Wells Fargo had perhaps the most horrifying practices in this department, calling the subprime loans that they pushed in poor, black neighborhoods “ghetto loans.” This rampant predatory lending helped inflate the housing bubble; a Center for American Progress investigation actually found huge racial disparities in lending at the big banks that wound up getting bailed out, with minority borrowers far more likely to receive high-priced loans. One memory particularly troubles Theckston. He says that some account executives earned a commission seven times higher from subprime loans, rather than prime mortgages. The Global Square: an online platform for our movement. A proposal on how to perpetuate the creative and cooperative spirit of the occupations and transform them into lasting forms of social organization. This is a proposal made by a group of concerned global citizens who also act as volunteers for Take the Square, United for Global Change,, European Revolution and Reflections on a Revolution (ROAR).

We do not pretend to represent or speak on behalf of anyone but ourselves. The Global Square: Towards an Online Platform for the Occupy Movement In its most recent tactical briefing for the Occupy movement, Adbusters correctly pointed out that, “of the many questions swirling around #OCCUPY, the most challenging is how to gel into a global movement without sacrificing the decentralized, leaderless model.” How, in other words, can we perpetuate the creative and cooperative spirit of the occupations and transform them into lasting forms of social organization — at the global as well as the local level?

In solidarity, The volunteers at: ZUCCOTTI PARK – THE DAY BEFORE AND AFTER EVICTION BY THE NYPD. THURSDAY READ. By Chris Moody, The Ticket The Republican Governor’s Association met this week in Florida to give GOP state executives a chance to rejuvenate, strategize and team-build. But during a plenary session on Wednesday, one question kept coming up: How can Republicans do a better job of talking about Occupy Wall Street? “I’m so scared of this anti-Wall Street effort. I’m frightened to death,” said Frank Luntz, a Republican strategist and one of the nation’s foremost experts on crafting the perfect political message.

“They’re having an impact on what the American people think of capitalism.” Luntz offered tips on how Republicans could discuss the grievances of the Occupiers, and help the governors better handle all these new questions from constituents about “income inequality” and “paying your fair share.” 1. “I’m trying to get that word removed and we’re replacing it with either ‘economic freedom’ or ‘free market,’ ” Luntz said. 2. 3. “They cannot win if the fight is on hardworking taxpayers. Occupy Wall Street: Protests in California and around the nation. Occupy protestsOn Sept. 17, hundreds of people protested against Wall Street greed in Lower Manhattan and marched up Broadway; about 150 people stayed overnight in Zuccotti Park, a privately owned public space near Wall Street. Since then, while living in the park, the protesters have sponsored rallies and marches on most days — and the movement has thrived.

Between 1,000 and 1,500 people have reportedly been arrested in protests across the United States, with the largest numbers in New York, Boston and Chicago. Primer | Timeline Videos Blogs More Headlines A year later, Occupy evolves with the times Nita Lelyveld, Los Angeles Times Occupy protesters may be less confrontational, but their list of grievances remains long and draws from many causes.

Goldberg: Obama's tainted bundler Jonah Goldberg Jon Corzine, the former Goldman Sachs executive, senator and New Jersey governor, seems to embody everything the 99 percenters hate about Wall Street. TheOccupyMovie's Channel. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton admitted that the U.S. created the Al Qaeda.flv. CIA Secret Wars Killed 6 Million People Government Coverup Attacks on 3rd World Nations Third World.

Rep. Donna Edwards Calls For Occupation Of America. Cops Pepper Spray UC Davis Protesters-This police tactics Was Brutally "excessive"!- Stuffed.