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Cable Viewer. Viewing cable 08LONDON2498, SOMALIA: UK CONFUSED BY USG POLICY ON PEACEKEEPING Understanding cables Every cable message consists of three parts: The top box shows each cables unique reference number, when and by whom it originally was sent, and what its initial classification was.The middle box contains the header information that is associated with the cable. It includes information about the receiver(s) as well as a general subject.The bottom box presents the body of the cable.

The opening can contain a more specific subject, references to other cables (browse by origin to find them) or additional comment. This is followed by the main contents of the cable: a summary, a collection of specific topics and a comment section. To understand the justification used for the classification of each cable, please use this WikiSource article as reference. Discussing cables If you find meaningful or important information in a cable, please link directly to its unique reference number.

Mali : révélations de WikiLeaks sur l’avion de la drogue. Un message de l'ambassade américaine révélé le 14 décembre 2010 par WikiLeaks revient sur le fameux Boeing de « Air Cocaïne » dont l'épave a été retrouvée le 2 novembre 2009 en plein désert, à Tarkint, dans la région de Bourem, au Nord Mali. Le télégramme américain tend à prouver que ce dossier a été verrouillé au plus haut niveau par les autorités de Bamako. Le message diplomatique américain est classé « secret ». On y apprend que l'enquête sur le fameux crash de l'avion de la drogue, dont l'épave a été retrouvée le 2 novembre 2009 à Tarkint, est placée jusqu'à la fin novembre 2009 sous la responsabilité exclusive de la DGSE malienne.

Mais l'aviation civile malienne, qui est la juridiction normale d'enquête sur les accidents aériens, n'a pas reçu l'autorisation de travailler sur ce dossier sensible, comme l’avoue un responsable de l’aviation civile à un diplomate américain. Plusieurs vols Colombie-Mali. US embassy cables: US fears Yemen arms purchases could end up on the black market | World news. Tuesday, 22 December 2009, 22:24S E C R E T STATE 130330 NOFORN SIPDIS EO 12958 DECL: 12/22/2019 TAGS MARR, MCAP, MOPS, PARM, PINR, PREL, PTER, MASS SUBJECT: USG POLICY TOWARD YEMENI ARMS ACQUISITIONS REF: SANAA 002208Classified By: NEA/ARP Director Andrew W. Steinfeld for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d). 1. (U) This is an action request. Please see paragraphs 6-8. 2. 3. . , for $95 million in early October 2009, to be delivered by early January 2010.

. , both named in the contract, are linked to Serbian arms broker Slobodan Tesic, and that Tesic has made frequent trips to Yemen in the past year in connection with this contract. (S/NF) We have learned through sensitive reporting that Yemen may be pursuing sizable arms deals with several other Eastern European countries for $30 million to $55 million each. 4. --Ascertain whether the Yemen Government is dealing with Slobodan Tesic.

--Discourage Yemen from working with individuals designated by United Nations travel bans. 5. 6. 7. 8. WikiLeaks: El Pais publie le mémo qui révèle les rouages de la Françafrique » Article. Le Zimbabwe va enquêter sur les fuites de Wikileaks. Câbles Wikileaks : l’emprise de Shell sur l’Etat nigérian révélée, par David Smith. Source : The Guardian, 8 décembre 2010 D’après une fuite diplomatique étasunienne, le géant pétrolier Shell a prétendu avoir placé du personnel dans tous les principaux ministères du gouvernement nigérian, et été ainsi au courant du moindre pas des politiciens dans le delta du Niger, riche en pétrole. La dirigeante de la compagnie au Nigeria a dit à des diplomates étasuniens que Shell avait affecté des employés dans chaque département pertinent et savait par conséquent « tout ce qui se faisait des ces ministères ».

Elle s’est flattée que le gouvernement nigérian ait « oublié » l’étendue de l’infiltration de Shell et ignorait à quel point la compagine était au courant de ses délibérations. D’autres câbles publiés cette nuit révèlent : Les diplomates étasuniens craignent que le Kenya soit le théâtre d’une explosion de violence pire que celle qui a suivi l’élection de 2008 à moins que la corruption rampante du gouvernement ne soit résolue. Ce soir, le Nigeria a fermement démenti l’accusation. Cable Viewer.

Viewing cable 10ADDISABABA288, AU SUMMIT - A/S FOR AFRICAN AFFAIRS CARSON MEETS Understanding cables Every cable message consists of three parts: The top box shows each cables unique reference number, when and by whom it originally was sent, and what its initial classification was. The middle box contains the header information that is associated with the cable. It includes information about the receiver(s) as well as a general subject. The bottom box presents the body of the cable. To understand the justification used for the classification of each cable, please use this WikiSource article as reference.

Discussing cables If you find meaningful or important information in a cable, please link directly to its unique reference number. Cable Viewer. Viewing cable 07BUJUMBURA515, ADDENDUM TO ALLEGED NUCLEAR SMUGGLING IN BURUNDI Understanding cables Every cable message consists of three parts: The top box shows each cables unique reference number, when and by whom it originally was sent, and what its initial classification was. The middle box contains the header information that is associated with the cable. It includes information about the receiver(s) as well as a general subject. The bottom box presents the body of the cable. To understand the justification used for the classification of each cable, please use this WikiSource article as reference.

Discussing cables If you find meaningful or important information in a cable, please link directly to its unique reference number. S E C R E T BUJUMBURA 000515 SIPDIS SIPDIS DEPT FOR: DS/IP/AF, DS/IP/ITA EO 12958 DECL: 07/17/2017 TAGS KCRM, KNNP, MNUC, PARM, PREL, PTER, ASEC, BY SUBJECT: ADDENDUM TO ALLEGED NUCLEAR SMUGGLING IN BURUNDI REF: A. Cable Viewer. Viewing cable 07KINSHASA797, RECENT ALLEGATIONS OF URANIUM TRAFFICKING IN THE Understanding cables Every cable message consists of three parts: The top box shows each cables unique reference number, when and by whom it originally was sent, and what its initial classification was.

The middle box contains the header information that is associated with the cable. It includes information about the receiver(s) as well as a general subject. The bottom box presents the body of the cable. The opening can contain a more specific subject, references to other cables ( browse by origin to find them) or additional comment. This is followed by the main contents of the cable: a summary, a collection of specific topics and a comment section. To understand the justification used for the classification of each cable, please use this WikiSource article as reference. Discussing cables If you find meaningful or important information in a cable, please link directly to its unique reference number. Cable Viewer. Viewing cable 07BUJUMBURA479, ALLEGED NUCLEAR SMUGGLING INCIDENT IN BUJUMBURA, Understanding cables Every cable message consists of three parts: The top box shows each cables unique reference number, when and by whom it originally was sent, and what its initial classification was.

The middle box contains the header information that is associated with the cable. It includes information about the receiver(s) as well as a general subject. The bottom box presents the body of the cable. The opening can contain a more specific subject, references to other cables ( browse by origin to find them) or additional comment. To understand the justification used for the classification of each cable, please use this WikiSource article as reference. Discussing cables If you find meaningful or important information in a cable, please link directly to its unique reference number.

Union du Maghreb arabe

Pfizer used dirty tricks to avoid clinical trial payout in Nigeria. Kano, in northern Nigeria, saw a meningitis epidemic of unprecedented scale in 1996. Photograph: Pius Utomi Ekpei/AFP/Getty Images The world's biggest pharmaceutical company hired investigators to unearth evidence of corruption against the Nigerian attorney general in order to persuade him to drop legal action over a controversial drug trial involving children with meningitis, according to a leaked US embassy cable.

Pfizer was sued by the Nigerian state and federal authorities, who claimed that children were harmed by a new antibiotic, Trovan, during the trial, which took place in the middle of a meningitis epidemic of unprecedented scale in Kano in the north of Nigeria in 1996. Last year, the company came to a tentative settlement with the Kano state government which was to cost it $75m. But the cable suggests that the US drug giant did not want to pay out to settle the two cases – one civil and one criminal – brought by the Nigerian federal government.

UN finds 217 sex abuse claims against blue helmets - Wikileaks. From Wikileaks January 14, 2009 The Associated Press (The new York Times) GENEVA: A United Nations probe collected 217 allegations of abuse of girls and women by peacekeepers in eastern Congo, from sex with teenagers in the back room of a liquor store to threats of "hacking" victims for cooperating with investigators. The 2006 investigation found many allegations credible and said evidence suggests "frequent and ongoing" sexual exploitation in the region. But it could only establish proof against one of 75 peacekeepers accused of wrongdoing. Details of alleged incidents dating back to 2004 are summarized in a "strictly confidential" 17-page document. It is dated Jan. 30, 2007, and was published Wednesday by whistleblower Web site

Allegations of sex abuse and other crimes have dogged U.N. peacekeeping missions almost since their inception in 1948; the global body has in recent years adopted a "zero tolerance" approach. It is now the U.N.' First appeared in The New York Times. See. Révélations WIKILEAKS sur le TOGO. Décidément les révélations faites par le site Wikileaks n'épargnent personne ! J'ai également fouillé sur le site de Wikileaks et ce que j'y ai lu sur le Togo m'a donné des sueurs froides. - Faut-il révéler ces documents au public ?

De toute façon ces informations sont déjà sur le web et ce n'est pas moi qui les y ai placées. - Cela ne va t-il pas m'attirer des ennuis ? Bof ! Je vous propose de découvrir les infos confidentielles sur le TOGO dévoilées par Wikileaks. Je ne ferai aucun commentaire. Pour plus d'information sur Wikileaks Wikileaks a entamé la publication de 251 287 câbles diplomatiques fuités des États-Unis, le plus vaste jeu de documents confidentiels jamais diffusé dans le domaine public. L’organisation affirme que les documents donneront aux citoyens dans le monde entier une vue sans précédents sur les activités à l’étranger du gouvernement américain. « Tous les écoliers américains ont appris que George Washington - le premier président du pays - était incapable de mentir.