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Outdoor advertising: Sexy signage. Interactive floors, walls, windows and surfaces- EyeClick. Adidas test shoppen via interactieve winkelruit. Merken en retailketens onderzoeken hoe ze billboards, abri’s en winkelruiten kunnen omvormen tot interactieve winkelpuien.

Adidas test shoppen via interactieve winkelruit

Adidas is de volgende die zijn tenen in het water steekt. Tot eind november test Adidas met zijn jongerenmerk NEO hoe het online handel kan bedrijven met een interactieve winkelruit. De NEO-winkel in Neurenberg, in Zuid-Oost Duitsland, is sinds deze week getooid met een winkelruit die nog het meest lijkt op een immense iPad. Passanten kunnen kleding over de winkelruit vegen en slepen. Ze kunnen een paspop aankleden, de kledingstukken ronddraaien of aan een winkelmandje toevoegen. Dat digitale winkelmandje bevindt zich op de winkelruit. ADIDAS NEO Store Nuremberg feat SNB. * Facedeals - Check-In with Your Face. Bedrijf stopt Android-smartphone in advertentie papieren tijdschrift - update.

* Interactive billboard asks viewers to 'drag him away' The National Centre for Domestic Violence has placed an interactive billboard at Euston Station in London which encourages onlookers to use their phones to drag an abusive man away from his partner...

* Interactive billboard asks viewers to 'drag him away'

The campaign, created by JWT London, features a man violently admonishing his partner on a screen in the station concourse. Viewers are encouraged to visit a website featured on the billboard via their phones, where they can then swipe the screen to drag the man away. This action is reflected in the station, with the man shown being moved across adjacent billboards, while messages encouraging people to report domestic violence appear. Live interactive mega-billboard in Amsterdam/Rotterdam. Local Sensor (PADSI) Intel Set-Top Box Uses Face Recognition to Target Ads to You. Intel has developed a new set-top box that will monitor who is watching TV at that moment, enabling advertisers to target the most appropriate ads to them.

Intel Set-Top Box Uses Face Recognition to Target Ads to You

The box does this by using facial recognition technology. The box won't identify the specific person watching TV, but will be able to tell if that person is male or female, adult or child. So, why would the average consumer want this? Well, Reuters reports Intel imagines it could lower costs for particular networks and shows, and lower the overall cost of advertising, making it more efficient. But media companies are reluctant to integrate the service. * Color Sensitive Interactive Billboard. * Vodafone Galaxy Interactive Billboard - Microsoft Kinect Camera. Autism Speaks: Kinect Powered Digital Billboards  I expect the Microsoft Kinect to be partnered up with tonnes of digital billboards and installations this year, and here is just one example to help kick it all off.

Autism Speaks: Kinect Powered Digital Billboards 

Autism Speaks has created a Kinect powered digital billboard featuring a life size girl who avoids eye contact no matter how hard you try. The Kinect in this instance is used to track the head movements of the people looking into the digital billboard and continually position the child’s head and movements to avoid eye contact. Here the billboard is used at some kind of controlled event, but with a little extra crafting, it would be perfect to be installed just about anywhere.

BTW the ad is getting some heat on YouTube! Be Sociable, Share! Autism Speaks, Autism Speaks Billboard, Digital Billboards, Interactive Ads, Interactive Billboards, Kinect Powered Digital Billboards, Xbox Kinect Interactive Ads. Coverstories. CLOUDS Interactive Documentary.


Part 8 of 12 in the series 2012 CW 47/48 The most recent participation at the Resonate festival in Belgrade, two artists ran a workshop and completed a large number of video recordings in combination with a kinect camera. The result is a stunning art project of a real 3D video documentary. Interactive Billboard for Perception. Part 7 of 9 in the series 2012 CW 29/30 City streets ans sidewalks are like neverending pinboards of creative advertinsing. Not only because of the posters and billboards, but also because of the storefront windows. Augmented Reality Shoestore. Part 5 of 9 in the series 2012 CW 29/30 The Kinect from Microsoft has been around for some while, but this installation of shoe retailer Görtz takes it a be further. * McDonald's interactive billboard. TNT's Electromagnetic Dot-Screen Billboard Enthralls Passersby. * Perception - An Interactive Billboard. Kinect Hacks - Supporting the Kinect Hacking news and community. Respectful emotion measurement and communication.

Neuromarketing. * Audi Opens Car-Free Digital Showroom. Housing actual cars in a showroom eats up valuable space and overhead, so why not digitize the whole process? That's the thinking behind Audi City, a new showroom the carmaker opened this week in London's Picadilly Circus. As the video above shows, shoppers can visit an Audi City and use a touchscreen to choose from among thousands of options to customize their car.

In addition to seeing what their car will look like on a big screen, customers are also given samples to feel the texture of the interiors they've chosen. Working with digital marketing firm Razorfish, Audi plans to open 20 such stores by 2015. City – the showroom of the future. Kinect. I’ve had a little less than a week to play with the new Kinect for Windows v2 so far, thanks to the developer preview program and the Kinect MVP program.


So far it is everything Kinect developers and designers have been hoping for – full HD through the color camera and a much improved depth camera as well as USB 3.0 data throughput. Additionally, much of the processing is now occurring on the GPU rather than the onboard chip or your computer’s CPU. While amazing things were possible with the first Kinect for Windows sensor, most developers found themselves pushing the performance envelope at times and wishing they could get just a little more resolution or just a little more data speed.

Retail's Future: Facebook Loyalty Cards And Touch Screen Showrooms. Over in Europe, commercial brands are quietly working on technologies to change the way we shop for the next decade.

Retail's Future: Facebook Loyalty Cards And Touch Screen Showrooms

For all kinds of reasons the tech has only been tentatively embraced Stateside. But that's about to change. Supermarkets using customers' Facebook accounts to simultaneously watch customers and offer them discounts? Nissan Pathfinder Kinect Experience. Virtual showroom - thoughts. Razorfish - Emerging Experiences’s Videos. Kimetric. Sensecast Pro: Kinect-Enabled Displays for Your Business.