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Build a Sudoku Puzzle Game Generator and Solver for PocketPC. He Sudoku game is the latest craze in the UK, and it's become so popular that every major newspaper now publishes puzzles with varying difficulty levels.

Build a Sudoku Puzzle Game Generator and Solver for PocketPC

I've found the process of solving Sudoku puzzles fascinating ever since I first saw one in the London Evening Standard newspaper. But after solving a few, I decided it would be even more interesting to write an application capable of both generating and solving Sudoku puzzles. In this article you'll see how to use Windows Mobile 5.0 and Visual Studio 2005 to create such an application. Sudoku originated in Japan. The name is is an abbreviation for a Japanese expression that translates to "The digit must remain single. " There are many Sudoku variants, but by far the most popular is a 9 x 9 grid, divided into 3 x 3 regions. Sudoku : Exemple de programmation en backtracking. Code source en langage C. /************ SUDOKU BACKTRACKING Fevrier 2008 *************/ #include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>/* dimension du cote des petits carres */#define MIN 3/* dimension du cote du grand carre */#define MAX 9/* code de sortie des fonctions */#define FAUX 0#define VRAI 1 /*********************/int verif_saisie_grille(void)/*********************/ {/* verifie si pas de doublon dans l'ensemble de la grille */ . int result = VRAI; . if (!

Sudoku : Exemple de programmation en backtracking. Code source en langage C.

Verif_saisie_lignes()) result = FAUX; . if (! Verif_saisie_colonnes()) result = FAUX; . if (! Verif_saisie_carres()) result = FAUX; . return result; }/* end verif_saisie_grille */ /*********************/int verif_saisie_lignes(void)/*********************/ {/* verifie si pas de doublon dans les lignes */ . int ligne; . int result = VRAI; . for (ligne = 0; ligne < MAX; ligne++) { . . if (! /**************/int grille_finie(void)/**************//* teste si la grille est finie.

L'objectif de ce programme est de résoudre un énoncé soduku en backtracking. Crook's Algorithm. This week has seen some articles in many newspapers about a general algorithm that solves all Sudoku puzzles.

Crook's Algorithm

For example, The Daily Mail (on-line). In a formal paper by American scientist J.F.Crook the article does indeed have a 'general' method for solving Sudoku puzzles - but at it's heart is the old game of 'Trial and Error' - and I feel I must pour some cold water on the hyperbole generated by this attempt. I'm afraid we've seen this all before. In case you missed the paper, it is available, and also on my server here in case the main link is down (was at time of writing). Now, Mr. His second theorem states that, and I quote, "There is always a preemptive set that can be invoked to unhide a hidden set, which the changes the hidden set into a preemptive set except in the case of a singleton".

Now I blanched when I first read the word "random" in Mr. In a nutshell, Mr. To make my point, we could dispense with all Mr. Build a Sudoku Puzzle Game Generator and Solver for PocketPC. He Sudoku game is the latest craze in the UK, and it's become so popular that every major newspaper now publishes puzzles with varying difficulty levels.

Build a Sudoku Puzzle Game Generator and Solver for PocketPC

I've found the process of solving Sudoku puzzles fascinating ever since I first saw one in the London Evening Standard newspaper. But after solving a few, I decided it would be even more interesting to write an application capable of both generating and solving Sudoku puzzles. In this article you'll see how to use Windows Mobile 5.0 and Visual Studio 2005 to create such an application. Sudoku originated in Japan. The name is is an abbreviation for a Japanese expression that translates to "The digit must remain single. " There are many Sudoku variants, but by far the most popular is a 9 x 9 grid, divided into 3 x 3 regions.