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Video games

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Research reveals link between age and opinions about video games. The older the clinician, the more likely they are to think playing video games leads to violent behavior, according to new research published in Computers in Human Behavior.

Research reveals link between age and opinions about video games

Psychology professor Dr. Christopher Ferguson, author of the study from Stetson University, US, says his findings go some way to explaining why people have different opinions about the effect of video games and suggests many of the reasons come down to generational issues. For parents, one way to close this gap is speaking to children and testing out the games themselves. As long as video games have existed, people have thought about and studied their effect on behavior.

But thirty years of research hasn't fully answered the question of whether playing games causes harm and people still have conflicting opinions about the topic. In the study he analyzes the opinions of 109 clinicians who work with children and families to see whether they believe video games are a problem for society.. Dr. Sexe et jeux vidéo violents, le couple gagnant !

Et si le sexe et les jeux vidéo pouvaient avoir un lien ?

Sexe et jeux vidéo violents, le couple gagnant !

C’est sans doute la question que se sont posés les deux chercheurs qui ont publié un rapport démontrant que les jeux violents avaient un impact sur la libido. Le plus surprenant de cette étude étant que plus les jeux sont violents, plus l’impact parait important et principalement chez les femmes qui se sentiraient plus désirables !

Après cet article, il y en a qui vont se dépêcher d’aller faire un tour chez leur vendeur de jeux vidéo préférés… Jeux vidéo violents et sexe, une équation gagnante ! Michael Kasumovic et Tom Denson, deux chercheurs de l’Université de New South Wales en Angleterre ont travaillé sur un projet d’étude plutôt insolite, puisqu’ils ont cherché s’il existait un lien entre les jeux vidéo et le sexe. Tout a été passé au crible, les positions, la fréquence des rapports sexuels, le sentiment qu’ils ont d’eux-mêmes, s’ils donnent du plaisir à leur partenaire, etc. Source. What are the causes and effects of increased gaming in adolescent girls and boys?

Technological innovations, multiple genres, online gaming and mobile apps have led gaming to become big business.

What are the causes and effects of increased gaming in adolescent girls and boys?

Call of Duty Black Ops sold 1.4 million copies and registered 2.6 million Xbox Live players on launch day. Adolescents increasingly use gaming for a significant part of their leisure time. New research in the Journal of Youth Studies examines World Health Organization data on adolescent well-being collected from over 4,000 children aged 11-15 to determine why some adolescents gaming habits are escalating. The author reflects on gender, age, policy, parental influences and outcomes for adolescents. About half of all adolescents are gaming for two or more hours per day, spending more time at home and less time out socialising. Policy recommendations for use of electronic media are two hours per day in the US, UK and Australia. Children with mixed gender friend groups game for longer, an indicator of the increase in sociable group gaming. Link confirmed between playing violent video games, aggression: Finds insufficient research to link violent video game play to criminal violence.

Violent video game play is linked to increased aggression in players but insufficient evidence exists about whether the link extends to criminal violence or delinquency, according to a new American Psychological Association task force report.

Link confirmed between playing violent video games, aggression: Finds insufficient research to link violent video game play to criminal violence

"The research demonstrates a consistent relation between violent video game use and increases in aggressive behavior, aggressive cognitions and aggressive affect, and decreases in prosocial behavior, empathy and sensitivity to aggression," says the report of the APA Task Force on Violent Media. The task force's review is the first in this field to examine the breadth of studies included and to undertake multiple approaches to reviewing the literature. "Scientists have investigated the use of violent video games for more than two decades but to date, there is very limited research addressing whether violent video games cause people to commit acts of criminal violence," said Mark Appelbaum, PhD, task force chair. Violent video games not linked to aggression in adults with autism. Following the 2012 shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, some in the media and the public speculated a link existed between autism spectrum disorder and violence and, in particular, that violent video games may cause gamers with autism to act violently.

Violent video games not linked to aggression in adults with autism

Now, a study from the University of Missouri has found evidence to contradict this speculation. It is the first study to test the effects of violent video games on aggression in adults with autism spectrum disorder. "If violent video games caused adults with autism spectrum disorder to behave aggressively, we should have seen some evidence of this in our study, but we did not," said lead author Christopher Engelhardt, a postdoctoral fellow in the MU School of Health Professions and the MU Thompson Center for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders.

The MU researchers also found strong evidence that violent video games do not affect adults with autism spectrum disorder differently than typically developing adults.