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Who Created God? (let's talk about Panbabylonism) - DefinitelyNotFirewater. Okay, I'll admit to intentionally using a provocative title to get your attention.

Who Created God? (let's talk about Panbabylonism) - DefinitelyNotFirewater

This post isn't about who created God at all. It is about what creations may have been in existence before the God of the Hebrew Bible was first written about. The Development, Heyday, and Demise of Panbabylonism. Occidental Constellations and Star Names to the Classical Period The Development, Heyday, and Demise of Panbabylonism by Gary D.

The Development, Heyday, and Demise of Panbabylonism

Thompson Copyright © 2004-2014 by Gary D. Panbabylonism. Panbabylonism is a school of thought within Assyriology and Religious studies that considers the Hebrew Bible and Judaism as directly derived from Mesopotamian (Babylonian) mythology.


Appearing in the late 19th century, it gained popularity in the early 20th century, advocated notably by Alfred Jeremias. The ideas presented within its framework still carry importance in mythological studies, due to similarities between myths in the comparatively young Bible and much older myths from ancient Mesopotamian mythologies. Creation myths[edit] Panbabylonists believe the creation myth in the Book of Genesis came from older Mesopotamian creation myths.