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The Five Pathway Minds (Five Paths): Basic Presentation. Alexander Berzin May 2002, revised April 2006 List of the Five Pathway Minds In A Filigree of Realizations (mNgon-rtogs rgyan, Abhisamayalamkara), Maitreya explains the stages for making progress on the spiritual path to reach liberation and enlightenment. For all practitioners, progress is in terms of the five pathway minds (lam-lnga, five paths), referring to five levels of mind we achieve that serve as pathways leading to liberation and enlightenment: a building up pathway mind (tshogs-lam, path of accumulation),an applying pathway mind (sbyor-lam, path of preparation),a seeing pathway mind (mthong-lam, path of seeing),an accustoming pathway mind (sgom-lam, path of meditation),a pathway mind needing no further training (mi-slob-lam, path of no more learning). Progressively Developing the Five Pathway Minds as a Shravaka, Pratyekabuddha, or Bodhisattva We may progressively develop the five pathway minds on three different levels, depending on our motivation and style of practice.

FivePathsandTenGrounds. The Six Perfections. Taken from Lama Zopa Rinpoche's Wish-Fulfilling Golden Sun (Please note this is a first draft and there are editor's errors in it.) commentary The Bodhisattva's Actions The six perfections (paramitas) are: generosity, ethics, patience, enthusiastic perseverance, concentration and wisdom. Even though we try to meditate on teachings such as the development path of the Highest Yoga Tantra, the Madhyamaka, the Mahamudra and Kundalini Yoga, with the expectation of reaching enlightenment, if we do this without bodhicitta, we cannot pass through the door of the Mahayana path, let alone get closer to that supreme and perfect goal. When we take the Bodhicitta vows, with prayers, in the presence of a holy object, we receive the bodhicitta ordination that was not received before and we are able to keep it without letting it degenerate.

How to follow the Holy Bodhisattva's deeds has three divisions. 1. The Meaning of Generosity The Method of Following Generosity We should also remember Shantideva's words: THE BODHISATTVA VOWS. Taken from two weekends’ teachings given by Geshe Tashi in February and March 2001 at Jamyang Buddhist Centre, London The Eighteen Root Downfalls 1. praising oneself and belittling others 2. not sharing with others one’s wealth and Dharma 3. not forgiving even when others apologise 4. doubting and denying the doctrine of the Great Vehicle 5. taking offerings intended for the Three Jewels 6. abandoning the doctrine through sectarianism 7. causing an ordained person to disrobe 8. committing one of the five crimes of immediate retribution 9. holding perverted views 10. destroying places such as towns 11. teaching emptiness to the untrained 12. discouraging others from seeking full enlightenment 13. causing others to break the vows of Individual Liberation 14. belittling those who follow the path of Individual Liberation 15. proclaiming false realisations such as the realisation of emptiness 16. accepting gifts that have been misappropriated from the belongings of the Three Jewels 1. 2. 3.

I. shamelessness. Jesus sutras | Search Results | The Jesus Question. The Jesus Sutras (Part 10): ‘He is the scaling ladder’ This is my final post for the Jesus Sutras series (read Part 1 here). I highly recommend you check out Martin Palmer’s book The Jesus Sutras, as there is much more to glean from these historical and poetic texts, beyond … Continue reading The Jesus Sutras (Part 9): Refuge and Return (For an introduction to this series, read Part 1.) Shower us with Your Healing Rain! The Jesus Sutras (Part 8): The Virgin “Mo Yan” (For an introduction to this series, read Part 1.) The Jesus Sutras (Part 7): Mindfulness (For an introduction to this series, read Part 1.) The Jesus Sutras (Part 6): Karma and Rebirth (For an introduction to this series, read Part 1.) The Jesus Sutras (Part 5): The Five Skandhas (For an introduction to this series, read Part 1.

The Jesus Sutras (Part 4): Orthodoxy Established (For an introduction to this series, read Part 1.) The Jesus Sutras (Part 3): The Stone Sutra (For an introduction to this series, read Part 1.) Mantrams - Their Significance and Practice. Index With the book there exists a double-CD with the intonation of the mantrams. During the 12 years of teaching, many wisdom concepts and practices arose. The groups found and inclination to get familiar with mantrams and sought their practice. The mantrams and invocations composed in this book are those that were made familiar to the western groups. They were orally explained to the inclined persons. According to the soul quality the members of the groups started working with them. As it is the good habit of the Western brotherhood to systematize the Eastern Ancient Wisdom they required me to bring into a book form the mantrams and their significance.

Master D.K's Statement " He who knows Sound, knows All". - Master D.K. Potentized medicine, when consumed by mistake, has its impact on the body. Man is a double being. The upper triad is spiritual. The lower triad is material and man is the centre. Together he is thus a septenate i.e. (3+3+1) Language degenerates as man degenerates. 1. 2. 3. Conversations with God Quotes Neale Donald Walsch. The world is in the condition it is in because of you, and the choices you have made—or failed to make. (Not to decide is to decide.) The Earth is in the shape it’s in because of you, and the choices you have made—or failed to make. Your own life is the way it is because of you, and the choices you have made—or failed to make. I tell you this: There is no coincidence, and nothing happens “by accident.” All that is required is to know this.

Thought is pure energy. The Laws are very simple. 1. There are no coincidences in the universe. So go ahead now. If you think God looks only one way or sounds only one way or is only one way, you’re going to look right past Me night and day. God is in the sadness and the laughter, in the bitter and the sweet. Is it your thought that I despise some of these, while I love the others? You cannot create a thing—not a thought, an object, an event—no experience of any kind—which is outside of God’s plan. I do not love “good” more than I love “bad.” What? Solutions / What Can I Do? - Listed are some actions you can take to help our planet and all its inhabitants thrive.

Charts of the Heavens According to Sant Mat. Ilie Cioara - Life Is Eternal Newness. Sanatana Dharma, Yoga, Meditation, Hinduism, Spirituality, and Krishna Bhakti in Omaha.