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Funding further education for disabled students. Reasonable adjustments. You should be familiar with the reasonable adjustments duty as this was first introduced under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995.

Reasonable adjustments

The reasonable adjustments duty under the Equality Act operates slightly differently and has been extended to cover the provision by a school of auxiliary aids and services. The object of the duty is the same: to avoid as far as possible by reasonable means, the disadvantage which a disabled pupil experiences because of their disability. This duty sits alongside your duties and those of local authorities under Part 4 of the Education Act 1996. In some cases the support a disabled pupil may receive under the special educational needs framework may mean that they do not suffer a substantial disadvantage (see below) and so there is no need for additional reasonable adjustments to be made for them. In other cases disabled pupils may require reasonable adjustments in addition to the special educational provision they are receiving.


Anerkennung. Reha_Allgemein. Verbände. Disability & Employment. IPS. Inclusion. Berufsbildung. Vocational Rehabilitation. Schottland. Irland. Wales. Finanzielle Förderung. Geschichte Berufsbildung & Sozialstaat UK. Schulsystem. Home. Incidence of TB in Cattle, Great Britain - Data to January 2014 Release time: 9:30am Agriculture and Environment | Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | GB Latest national statistics bringing together various sources of statistics relating to the incidence of TB in Cattle, Great Britain according to arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority.


Regional labour market statistics - April 2014 Labour Market | Office for National Statistics | UK.