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Comment profiter de Twitter pour votre référencement. Dis-moi qui tu suis sur Twitter, et je te dirai qui tu es. How To Spark An Emotional Connection with 140 characters. Twitter has challenged brands to reach out to consumers in a completely different way than how they did in the past through both traditional media and marketing campaigns.

How To Spark An Emotional Connection with 140 characters

This social media platform “forced” brands to put their megaphone down and listen to their customers, changing the dynamics of their relationship. Today Twitter is on the agenda of most brands as a communication tool for immediate response to customers’ requests, driving sales and taking the brand-customer relationship to a more personal level. Stripped away from glossy images, styled videos, well designed environments, how can brands spark an emotional connection with just 140 characters at their disposal? Showing a real face: Most companies have a hard time adapting to the conversational style of social media. Keep it fun: Pushy tweets that market products and services won’t get you far.

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How Did Quora Get So Popular So Fast. By Sheldon Levine - Thursday, January 6th, 2011 at 7:31 am ShareThis If you’ve had your ear to the social media ground (metaphorically speaking of course) lately, then you’ve undoubtedly heard about Quora.

How Did Quora Get So Popular So Fast

Just in case you haven’t, in the words of the creators, “Quora is a continually improving collection of questions and answers created, edited, and organized by everyone who uses it.” Basically, it’s a site for people to ask and answer questions on just about anything and is totally curated by the people who use it.