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Energy Balls

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Energy Balls - Recipes - Protein and energy balls #PraJogarForaaBarrinhaDeCereal. Oi meninas! O que é o que é... é redondinho e gostoso. Parece brigadeiro mas não é!? São as bolinhas ricas em energia e proteínas que criei ontem a noite! :) Tá dá!! Não precisa ir ao forno ou microondas, faz em menos de 15 minutos e fica divina!!

Estas bolinhas são ótimas para quem treina ou para quem quer saciar a vontade de comer um docinho, pois você mata a vontade loka e nutri o corpo ao mesmo tempo. Minha inspiração foi uma receita na internet de barrinha de cereal que achei super fácil e rápida de fazer. O único perigo destas bolinhas é o autocontrole! Vamos a receita! Ingredientes: 1 copo de quinua em flocos 2/3 copo de coco ralado desidratado (natural, sem adição de açucar ) 1/2 copo de peanut butter (se a sua manteiga de amendoim estiver muito dura, coloque no micro por alguns segundos para ficar pastosa) 1/2 copo de farinha de linhaça 1/2 copo de Goji Berry (se for difícil de achar no Brazuca, usa passas) 1/3 copo de mel 1 colher de chá de extrato de baunilha (liquido) 1.

Vegan Energy Bar & Ball Recipes. Peanut Butter Pong Balls. Thanks to Baby Boo’s slight obsession over my computer, and her constant need to touch the key board… My computer screen is now magnified enough for a 97 year old to read the monitor… It’s making me dizzy… So this past week Baby Boo and I took a trip up to my parents house, and hubby met us there later in the week. We had alot of fun, that was until… Baby Boo got sick…again.

This time her cold turned into something worse, and we spent many hours at the hospital/doctors…Baby Boo hated it. So did Mama. What Baby Boo had was pretty bad, and I was worried she was going to be miserable the whole week at my parents. Such a trooper! So, while Grandma spoiled Baby Boo, I watched the Hubby get a little Too into a game of Ping Pong. He wanted me to take action shots of him. Cuz he thought it would be sooo cool. Here you go sweety!! Look Ma NO ARMS! I probably should redeem myself for that one… Sexy. I asked if I could play, but I was turned away. Well if I can’t play with their Ping Pong Balls… Ingredients: 1. Energy Balls with dried fruit Recipe by SFUJIMOTO. Submitted by: SFUJIMOTO Introduction Great for occasional energy boost.

Great for occasional energy boost. Number of Servings: 24 Ingredients - 1 1/2 cup natural peanut butter (peanuts only)- 1/8 cup honey- 1/8 cup molasses- 3/4 cup rolled oats- 3/4 cup skim milk powder- 1/4 cup raisins- 1/4 cup dried cranberries (craisins)- 1/4 cup dried apricots (cut into small pieces) Directions - Makes 24 balls that are a little smaller than a golf ball - Mix the wet ingedients together until evenly mixed. **Tip: using your hands to mix everthing works much better than using a spoon. - Once all ingredients are well mixed and sticky.

. - Put into a sealed container. Number of Servings: 24 Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user SFUJIMOTO. How to Make Carob Fruit Balls. How to Make Dried Fruit Chocolate Energy Balls: 7 Steps. How to Make Healthy Energy Balls. Far healthier than almost any energy bar that you can buy in a store, these energy balls are full of vitamins, minerals, and natural compounds that are perfect for providing a quick boost of energy.

Because these energy balls are made out of fiber-rich whole foods, eating just one or two can be surprisingly filling - quite the contrast when you consider that most folks have no trouble eating half a dozen or more mini-donuts in one sitting. Let's take a step-by-step look at how to make these decadent and nutrient-dense energy balls. To start, count out about ten dates and place them in a bowl. Soak the dates in water. Measure out a cup of raw pecans and put them in a food processor. If you have trouble digesting nuts, soak them in water overnight, strain, and dry with a towel before proceeding.

Process pecans on low or using a pulse setting until they're nicely ground. Add a heaping teaspoon of quality cocoa powder. Add six soaked and mildly crushed dates to the mix. Enjoy! Ingredients: 1. 2.