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Blueberry Scones (grain-free, naturally sweetened, Paleo Friendly) There’s nothing in the world like a blueberry scone. To me, scones are the perfect amount of sweet. Especially when blueberries are involved. My absolute favorite scone recipe is from The Food Lover’s cookbook Gather. It’s seriously the best scone recipe. Ever. Last week, I was in Starbucks treating myself to an iced coffee, when I caught myself looking at the blueberry scones…and kind of wanting one. So I decided to make some. Blueberry Scones (grain-free, naturally sweetened, Paleo Friendly) Author: Allison Nichols | Frisky Lemon 2 cups almond flour½ cup arrowroot flour2 Tbsp maple syrup½ tsp sea salt2 tsp baking powder4 Tbsp pastured butter, melted1 egg1 cup blueberries Lala!

These are seriously good. Like…we ate five of them before I could even take pictures of them… If you like scones, you’ll love them. About Allison Allison is a Certified Holistic Health and Nutrition Counselor. » Dairy Free Black Bottom Banana Cream Pie Against All Grain – Award Winning Gluten Free Paleo Recipes to Eat Well & Feel Great. I experimented with this pie a few times and decided that I would try it out on our friends for the Super Bowl a few weeks ago.

It’s always interesting to hear people’s reactions when they are not on special diets and aren’t used to the taste of almond flour or coconut milk. Everyone really liked it though, so I made it again and tested it out on my friends who actually are on special diets. They were ecstatic. It was so heartwarming to see that excitement on their faces when they tasted it and realized that they could add one more delectable treat to their recipe repertoire that doesn’t make them feel like they’re being deprived. I love that this pie is not only grain-free, but is also dairy and refine sugar free. It’s Paleo and can be SCD legal if you leave out the ganache. There are four layers to this delicious confection. Besides maybe peanut butter, bananas, and chocolate … but that’s another recipe and another post. Sharing this week with Allergy-Free Wednesdays Ingredients:


Paleo Chocolate Chip Cookies with Walnuts. Being the mother of boys is a wonderful thing. I have never been a “girly girl” so perhaps God, in His infinite wisdom, knew I would be a better mother of boys than girls. Of course I might be saying the exact opposite if I had been blessed with girls. But there’s just something special about the relationship between mothers and sons and I am so grateful I have the opportunity to raise these two precious souls. “…and she loved a little boy very, very much – even more than she loved herself.” – From ‘The Giving Tree’ by Shel Silverstein Our boys like to get dirty. My husband and I have an ongoing joke about our differing views on the acceptability of how dirty they get when playing outside. He started out looking innocent enough. He was making mud pies, people! “Whoa, I really am kinda dirty now. And how can I resist this face? And maybe, after he’s cleaned up a bit, you can feed him chocolate chip cookies.

This recipe for grain-free chocolate chip cookies contains walnuts. Ingredients. Mousse aux fruits rouges extra légère « Cuisine & Équilibre. La fin des examens, des cours avant le stage (pas pour moi !) , ça donne lieu à un p’tit repas de fête… en dessert, j’avais envie d’une mousse légère. Quelques fruits rouges au congélateur, un voyage sur quelques blogs et là… stupeur ! On peut faire de la mousse de fruits avec du lait concentré non sucré !!!! Et dire qu’il m’en reste 2 boîtes qui croupissent dans le fond du placard en attendant d’être utilisées dans l’urgence de la date de péremption approchant… et bien cette fois, il n’en sera rien ! C’est bien avant cette date fatidique que le lait concentré sera utilisé ! Merci à Sabrina, du blog Rêve de gourmandises pour cette superbe idée.

Temps de préparation : 15 minutes Temps de repos : 2h Coût : 1,20 € (soit 0,30 € / mousse) Ingrédients pour 4 petites mousses : - 125 g de fruits rouges (frais ou surgelés) - 50 ml de lait concentré non sucré - 1 blanc d’œuf - 20 g de sucre - 1 c. à café d’extrait de vanille 4) Verser dans des verres et placer au frais 1 à 2h avant de servir. Coconut Whipped Cream | Paleo Recipes | Paleo Cupboard. Purple Sweet Potatoes. I realize it has been like 6 days since I posted a recipe, and for that I am sorry. I have had a few hectic weeks, and even though I would love to sit here, edit, and type recipes for you everyday, I have recently discovered there really are only 24 hours in a day. I was hoping I could redefine logic and get at least an extension to 30, but so far all that has done is lead to sleepless nights and a slight sickness.

Thanks to my amazing friend Michelle from Nom Nom Paleo, I was able to whip up a batch of Super Human Healing Bone Broth (this is not an accurate claim, just my description, don’t sue me) while I recorded a Mastermind call titled “Unstoppable Health for Men with Big Dreams” <—–Click to listen. My buddies Joe & Lucas put together an awesome call to truly help lots of people struggling and I am excited to see what they manage to do to make a difference in this world.

You can check out their awesome program: 30-Day Man UP! Oh yeah, one more thing. Baked Purple Sweet Potatoes. Paleo Blackberry Bars. Once upon a time in the wee hours of the morning, a mother and daughter went berry picking. These were not just regular berries, mind you. These were wild blackberries, ripened with the sun and watered by a stream. As the mother and daughter began harvesting the berries with their buckets, gloves, and not enough body coverage, they realized that they had quite a job head of them.

For this part of the land hosted miles and miles of blackberry bushes, as far as the eye could see. You see, not only were these wild blackberries, but they were wild blackberries with HUGE, prickery, thorns and stuck into the mother and daughter’s arms as they got close to each berry. After an hour of picking and getting pricked, the mother and daughter, with their bowls and buckets overflowing with berries, retreated to their car, and back to their home. Ok, maybe it couldn’t change the world, but I sure am proud of this recipe! I swear I only used blackberries, this shot just happened to be a redder hue Do it.

No-bake energy bites. I probably should have poured a nice stiff drink recipe for you all on this loveliest of lovely tax days. Especially for my fellow small business owners who just gave half of their revenue back to the government. Good grief, I won’t even go there. Instead though, I thought I’d offer my idea of a more comforting alternative. Pasta. When life is good, and when life gets crazy, I turn to pasta. And this pasta recipe is one of my all-time favs. And just as it has for years, this one hit the spot. Read more This past Friday night was meant for celebrating. The weather was sit-out-on-the-deck-in-the-cool-evening-breeze perfection. And a very special birthday girl turned the big 3-0. Friends, meet Stacey.

Read more TGIF, friends. Hope that you all have had a lovely week, and that a relaxing weekend lies ahead. Read more Ever since my friends and I met for a tapas happy hour at our neighborhood Spanish restaurant a few weeks ago, I’ve had sangria on my mind. Read more Read more Read more Happy day, friends! Paleo Pumpkin Cookies [Recipe] If you have an obsession with pumpkin, a jar of pumpkin cookies within your reach will work great in satisfying your cravings. And when they are home-made, the freshness of these baked goodies makes your munching experience more delicious! Every bite of pumpkin cookies welcomes your taste buds with subtle sweetness of the pumpkin, which in turn is complimented by the zesty kick of the spices.

And if you are too lazy to get hold all the spices, a dash of pumpkin pie spice will do without compromising with the flavours. But the secret of a perfect pumpkin cookie not only lies in its yum flavours, but also in its interesting texture. How can you ignore the slice of health if offers with every bite, owing to its low-fat, high nutrition quotient!? Ingredients - 1 cup almond flour - ¼ cup pumpkin puree, canned - ¼ tsp baking soda - ½ cup dark chocolate chips (paleo friendly) - ½ cup almond butter - ½ cup walnuts, chopped - ½ cup honey - 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice - 1 tsp pure vanilla extract.