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Digital Storytelling Continues To Push Narrative Boundaries. A new initiative by the Brown University creative nonfiction program is exploring the potential of digital nonfiction through some of the web's most unusual storytelling projects.

Digital Storytelling Continues To Push Narrative Boundaries

Led by its Digital Scholar in Residence, Michael Stewart, who describes himself as "an author and semi-profesional dilettante", this guest article comes courtesy of him and his class. Despite what Mark Zuckerberg and co. would like you to believe, there is a wealth of viable, interesting and entertaining things on the Internet beyond the social media stratosphere. Personal storytelling. Periodic Table of Storytelling by *ComputerSherpa on deviantART. Developing an Open Storyworld. With the next release of Conducttr, authors will be able to create pervasive open world stories.

Developing an Open Storyworld

By this I mean that a regular linear story can now be re-told interactively by questioning and examining characters, places and events such that the reader/player uncovers story pieces using their own reasoning and interest to explore aspects that interest them most. Does this mean that the classic three act structure is lost? No. Does it mean that there’s lots of branching content that’s created but never seen?

No. Although an open world is a type of non-linear storytelling that implies to some a lack of climactic structure and pacing, the author decides how much of that open world can be seen by the player and when it’s seen. Note that what I’m describing is not Interactive Fiction (IF) in the way it’s typically seen today. In the open world story I’m describing, the story is structured around characters. Amazon. La fabrique à histoires. Questions to Help in Creating Characters.

Creating the more complex round characters takes time -- time spent thinking about how your characters look, where they're from, and what motivates them, for instance.

Questions to Help in Creating Characters

The questions below provide structure to this all-important thought process. While the reader will not need to know all the details, it's important that you do. How to use Storybird. The Art of Telling Digital Stories. Books Articles I-imagine: Taking MY Place in the World ~ A Scrapbooking Journey PLUS Teacher's Guide (PDF Books) In life you have two choices.

The Art of Telling Digital Stories

TheStoryTest—build you skill in spotting stories. Apply to the YouTube Creator Institute’s inaugural class. People who create content for YouTube today come from all walks of life: aspiring filmmakers, moms with cooking shows, teenage gossip vloggers, fantasy football commentators, ironing skydivers—the list goes on and on.

Apply to the YouTube Creator Institute’s inaugural class

Center for the Study of Art and Community: Chapter 1: What is your gift? Why is knowing your gift important? In the past fifteen years I have developed exercises which are part of a community-building and conflict transformation process I call, “Building the Beloved Community.”

Center for the Study of Art and Community: Chapter 1: What is your gift? Why is knowing your gift important?

In one of the anchor exercises I call, “Guts on the Table,” I ask people to tell three stories. The name of the exercise,“Guts on the Table,” comes from the Hawaiian understanding that your na’au, your gut is the deepest place from which you think: it’s the place where your mind, heart, intuition and experience come together. MyStory - Home. L'économie de Star Wars. Digital Storytelling Teacher Guide. How to create video storytelling that actually tells a story. Patient Stories May Improve Health. “Telling and listening to stories is the way we make sense of our lives,” said Dr.

Patient Stories May Improve Health

Thomas K. Houston, lead author of the study and a researcher at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester and the Veterans Affairs medical center in Bedford, Mass. “That natural tendency may have the potential to alter behavior and improve health.” Experts in this emerging field of narrative communication say that storytelling effectively counteracts the initial denial that can arise when a patient learns of a new diagnosis or is asked to change deeply ingrained behaviors. Guagua Pública: Introduction to the Transmedia Storycube for Authors. As I continue to explore the transmedia space, I've repeatedly come across the discussion of the storycube and their importance for thinking transversally.

Guagua Pública: Introduction to the Transmedia Storycube for Authors

Simply put, any "story" that you have consists of three basic components: the characters, the location, and when the story takes place. If you think back, you might remember this diagram from an old math class, where you had to plot data on a graph using data points on three axis (x,y,z). That's all a story cube is, a three dimensional graph of the data points in a story.Using each of the three variables as an axis, x = location, y = characters, and z= time. Pacôme Thiellement - Livres, citations, photos et vidéos.

Pacôme Thiellement et ses lectures : Quel est le livre qui vous a donné envie d`écrire?

Pacôme Thiellement - Livres, citations, photos et vidéos

Pas un livre en particulier, mais les textes de Roger Gilbert-Lecomte et de René Daumal dans le Grand Jeu. Quel est l`auteur qui vous a donné envie d`arrêter d`écrire (par ses qualités exceptionnelles...) Les mêmes yeux que Lost - Pacôme Thiellement - Critiques, extraits et informations. Les Séries télé pour les nuls - Marjolaine Boutet - Critiques, extraits et informations. Où l’on vous parle de séries télévisées !

On parle séries télés sur Babelio !

où l’on vous parle de séries télévisées !

Après avoir accordé beaucoup de place à la musique au sein du site et du présent blog, notamment à travers les interviews de Jérôme Soligny, d’Hugues Barrière et d’Hubert Mansion, mais aussi dans le cadre de notre club de lecture consacré à la biographie de Patti Smith, il était de s’intéresser à un autre aspect de la culture populaire moderne : Les séries télés ! Littérature et série télés Ce n’est en effet pas seulement avec la musique que la littérature entretient des relations privilégiées.

Au cours des années 2000, la qualité d’écriture des séries télévisées américaines semble en effet avoir atteint un niveau sans précédent. Richesse des scénarios, inventivité visuelle, portée sociale et magnétisme des acteurs furent les ingrédients principaux de nombreux films qui furent également d’importants succès dans les salles obscures. Les séries télés, phénomènes de librairie ! La rhétorique casse encore des briques.