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MyThings - Organize receipts and declutter your life. Tracking Tools - QuantifiedSelf Wiki. Daytum iPhone App Turns Your Daily Life Into Infographics [Video] The "data-driven life" has gone mainstream.

Daytum iPhone App Turns Your Daily Life Into Infographics [Video]

But before all the calorie-counting apps, mile-running apps, and sleep-tracking apps, there was the O.G. of digital lifetracking: the Feltron Annual Report. Since 2005, designer Nicholas Felton has been assiduously tracking his mundane comings-and-goings and packaging them into gorgeous end-of-year visualizations that describe everything from "most frequent activity" done with another human (in 2009, it was dinner) to a year's worth of mood swings. Now, Felton and his partner Ryan Case have released an iPhone version of Daytum, their web-based " elegant and intuitive tool" for visual navel-gazing. Daytum.