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Mac - py2app - Create standalone Mac OS X applications with Python. Uninstalling py2app 0.2.x (or earlier) If you have a pre-setuptools version of py2app installed, you must first remove it before installing (you may have to run the interpreter with sudo, depending on how and where py2app was originally installed).

Mac - py2app - Create standalone Mac OS X applications with Python

There are three paths that need to be removed: py2app and py2app.pth in your site-packages folder, and the py2applet script which may be in /usr/local/bin/ or otherwise in the bin directory belonging to the Python framework that was installed. Here is a Python script that should find these three paths and remove them if they exist (you may have to use sudo): #! Windows - py2exe - Browse Files.

Linux - Freeze. Freeze is a "pure Python" utility that ships with Python.

Linux - Freeze

You can use Freeze to compile executables for Unix systems. If you want to write Python, but you don't know if your clients have Python installed, use this! How to Use.