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The Creative Power of Thinking Outside Yourself. New research suggests we generate more creative ideas for other people than for ourselves.

The Creative Power of Thinking Outside Yourself

The hackneyed expression “thinking outside the box” is thought to come from the puzzle below. The idea is to try and join up all the dots using four straight lines or fewer without taking your pen off the paper or tracing over the same line twice. The ‘box’ that the expression refers to is the implicit one formed in your mind by the dots. To get the solution you have to ignore this implicit box: you have to, as it were, think outside it. 6 Ways to Kill Creativity. Want your organisation to perform poorly?

6 Ways to Kill Creativity

Here are six ways to kill creativity in business, or anywhere. Many organisations claim they want to foster creativity—and so they should—but unintentionally, through their working practices, creativity is killed stone dead. The Psychology of Creativity. Looking for inspiration?

The Psychology of Creativity

Start with PsyBlog’s articles on the science of creativity. Here’s a deceptively simple question: if we all have the potential to be creative, why is it so hard? Part of the problem is that so little attention is paid to the psychological research on creativity.

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