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Doesn't Anybody Want to Celebrate the Prop 8 Ruling By Marrying Bryan Safi? Soubi's World (tarvalanion: hardcorejudas: mmmdelicious: ...) If Conservatives Have a Problem With 'Activist Judges' Overturning Laws, Take It Up With Antonin Scalia. If Prop 8's Supporters Make an Issue Out of Judge Walker Being Gay, Here's How to Shut It Down.

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Puzzler: Proposition This! | Will Prop 8's Sudden Death Change The Way Barack Obama Feels About Your Marriages? Média & Blogs français. Les réactions défavorables. Republicans Run from Prop 8 Ruling | News. Surprisingly little noise emanated from the Republican camp following the ruling that overturned Proposition 8, and party leaders concerned about their midterm election prospects feel perfectly comfortable with the silence. Politico analyzes how the Republican establishment and, to some extent, Democrats want to avoid talking about same-sex marriage because they fear alienating independent voters and straying from the overarching issue of the economy. The marriage equality issue continues to motivate the liberal and conservative bases of both parties, but this season those voters already are energized over the new health care reform law and immigration. “Instead, the anticipated GOP bang over the ban — known as Proposition 8 — amounted to little more than a whimper,” reports Politico.

GOP avoids gay marriage ruling - Maggie Haberman. When a federal judge in California last week ruled the state’s ban on gay marriage unconstitutional, several political observers braced for a flood of Republican blasts on the issue that could end up resonating in campaigns nationally. Instead, the anticipated GOP bang over the ban — known as Proposition 8 — amounted to little more than a whimper.

There were angry columns and cries of protest from right-wing groups and conservative writers, but the majority of the Republican establishment kept on a bread-and-butter message — and party leaders are encouraging them not to stray. Continue Reading It also was expected that Democrats, outside of deep-Blue states, would not press the issue in broad strokes — but the relative calm from a party whose last president called for a constitutional ban on gay marriage and denounced activist judges was telling about the meta-narrative of the 2010 cycle.

In California, the two leading GOP candidates — gubernatorial hopeful Meg Whitman and U.S.

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California ruling puts President Obama on the spot - Josh Gerstein. The culture war is back. A federal judge’s ruling Wednesday striking down California’s ban on same-sex marriage is a historic and possibly pivotal legal victory for gay rights advocates, but the decision also poses a formidable threat to President Barack Obama’s strategy of relegating divisive social issues to the back burner.

Continue Reading U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker’s decision is just the latest in a series of rulings and high-profile legal challenges drawing public attention to gay rights issues in a sustained way since San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom grabbed headlines in 2004 by OK'ing same-sex marriages in that city. As gay and lesbian activists celebrate what they hope is the leading edge of a wave of momentous court rulings and legislative successes, they remain uneasy with Obama’s nuanced position on gay marriage.

During the 2008 campaign, Obama took what many on both sides of the gay marriage debate viewed as a straddle. Vanessa Judicpa + Maria Ydil Wanted to Be California's First Post-Prop 8 Gays to Marry. Too Bad. Remember When HRC + ACLU Bashed the Perry Prop 8 Lawsuit? Whose Post-Prop 8 Ruling Speech Gave You Goosebumps? Ruling Issued in Prop 8 Court Challenge | UNCONSTITUTIONAL: Prop 8 Overturned In Landmark Federal Ruling. Protect Marriage, Protect Children, Prohibit Divorce from Jonathan Smith - Video. Prop. 8 Plaintiffs Paul and Jeff | Prop. 8. MacFarlane: Backing Prop. 8 Like Rooting for Sox | News. Prop. 8. Perry et al v. Schwarzenegger et al.

Judge Walker: Prop 8 Unconstitutional - Poliglot. The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California today issued its decision in Perry v. Schwarzenegger, the federal constitutional challenge to Proposition 8. The ruling is a blistering opinion that pulls together all of the developments of the three-week trial in a striking decision finding that the amendment violates both the Equal Protection and the Due Process clauses of the U.S.

Constitution. [NOTE: All of the block, or indented, quotes below come directly from the text of Judge Walker's ruling. Internal citations to cases or other parts of the opinion have been deleted for reading ease. Judge Vaughn Walker's remedy, or solution, to the case: Plaintiffs have demonstrated by overwhelming evidence that Proposition 8 violates their due process and equal protection rights and that they will continue to suffer these constitutional violations until state officials cease enforcement of Proposition 8. Marriage Sexual Orientation Proposition 8 The main point. Judge Vaughn Walker Hands Victory to Proposition 8 Opponents. U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker ruled on Wednesday that the California's Proposition 8 ballot initiative denying marriage rights to same-sex couples was unconstitutional, in a case that will almost certainly go all the way to the Supreme Court.

Walker ruled that Proposition 8 is "unconstitutional under both the due process and equal protection clauses. " The court, therefore, "orders entry of judgment permanently enjoining its enforcement. " Two key sentences from the ruling: Proposition 8 fails to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license. That's what history sounds like. Update: Good As You has a PDF of the decision. The ruling was a win for lawyers Ted Olson and David Boies, an unlikely pair who faced off against one another during the aftermath of the 2000 presidential election. California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger applauded the ruling, saying it "affirms the full legal protections and safeguards I believe everyone deserves. " Untitled. Prop 8 Ruling FINAL. EEK! The #prop8 decision is here.