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Projects | Green School Community Association (GSCA) We are excited to announce the launch of a new and much needed initiative here at Green School and what we hope will be the first of many kemBali centres on the island. What is kemBali ? KemBali is a… Green school kids need more possiblity for moving their bodies in the breaks. I found that the range of possibilities for the schoolkids are very limited. I am suggesting that the people who are interested in this project and me,… Based on the various discussions that have taken place over the years, it is time for a clear food policy at the Green School that reflects the values of the community.

The Kul Kul Connection is a group of Green School stakeholders that seeks to promote and nurture stronger ties between Green School and its surrounding villages. Growing food on our campus is a top priority and our gardens are very precious. Green School’s annual Bamboopalooza Fundraiser Arrange weekday and weekend activities for parents, staff and families.


CNN Video - Bali's 'Green School' L'école la plus étonnante sur la terre! L'année dernière je suis tombé sur un communiqué de presse CNN en vedette dans YouTube qui m'a coupé le souffle. Il s'agissait de la Green School à Bali. L'école a ouvert ses portes au public en Septembre 2008 et depuis lors, a fait les manchettes sur TIME Magazine, ABC Nouvelles, Conde Nast Traveler et diverses autres nouvelles et magazines de mode de vie. "Green School est l'école la plus étonnante sur la terre" est ce que vous lisez sur le premier paragraphe du site Web de l'école. En effet il donne cette impression. Les étudiants viennent de partout dans le monde et certaines familles ont même déménagé à Bali juste pour leurs enfants de fréquenter l'école. Green School est influencé Steiner, il est donc axée sur l'éducation globale et l'apprentissage par la pratique.

La particularité de cette école a attiré un nombre de visiteurs sur son site campus, y compris les touristes, les célébrités et les diverses organisations. Admissions Guidelines and School Fees. Where is Green School. The Heart of School We don’t look like most people’s mental image of what a school is supposed to be. As a part of our commitment to sustainability, all of our structures are built primarily from bamboo, a local, natural, renewable resource.

Connected with nature Being at one with nature – in these classrooms without walls – has a huge and positive impact on the learning process. It positively affects the quality of relationships, the way that people conduct and behave with sensitity to each other, and it helps those youngsters who are easily distracted in conventional classrooms to focus much more easily on their tasks – there are plenty of distractions at Green School but they are natural distractions which are acceptable to, and not in conflict with concentration. “I love to be a student again, it’s such an amazing school” – Chicco and Lahra Tatriele, Italy Bali, Indonesia Bali is an international island within the archipelago of Indonesia. Directions to Green School Map Data Map. Green School, Bali. Green School, “School for Life” >> Redefining the idea of school to create a hands on approach to learning and creating stewards of social sustainability.

<< Project Type: architecture other: sustainable-minded educational center Project Mission/Goal: improve the human spirit increase awareness of the environment and/or address climate address humanitarian crises Project Description: John and Cynthia Hardy, founders of “School for Life” (also known as “Green School”) have focused their work on “shaping the minds of the next generation”. The site is located on 8 hectares in Sibang Kaja, the center of southern Bali. The buildings on site use micro-hydro power, solar power, bio-diesel and natural air conditioning.

Bamboo is the predominant construction material because it is plentiful and when treated with borax salt, it becomes immune to bugs that like to eat it. Nominated by Stephanie Yung Sibang Kaja, Bali Indonesia. Green School : l’école de rêve ! Comment vous imaginez-vous l’école idéale ? Vous savez, celle où vous n’avez pas à simuler chaque matin une crise aigüe de mononucléose fulgurante pour éviter d’y aller !

La Green School à Bali, c’est un peu notre école rêvée à tous. Pour vous en convaincre, il suffit de moins de 150 secondes ! L’enthousiasme du directeur des admissions, Ben Macrory, est communicatif. À mesure que l’on visite l’école, on se dit que tout a été pensé à la fois pour les enfants et pour l’environnement ! Et l’on comprend pourquoi la phrase : « Quand j’aurai des enfants, il faudra que je vienne m’installer à Bali » est répétée par beaucoup de ceux qui viennent visiter la Green School ! Une école intégrée à son environnement Programmes Verts On retrouve bien sûr tous les cours “habituels” d’une école classique – du jardin d’enfants aux classes 9 et 10 (la seconde en France).

Potager devant la salle de classe Vertueuse du sol au plafond ! Ce qui est remarquable également, c’est la cohérence du projet.