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Fetchnotes. Online Project Management Web Based. Tasskr. Day Zero - The Home of the 101 Things in 1001 Days Project. Pistashio - Stash the good stuff. Peg it up, Move it Around, Get it Done. It became a catch phrase across Skype as we built Pegby: let's go to the Board . Using an unlimited number of Boards , you can collaborate with friends, family, co-workers and even strangers...if you like that sort of thing. We've seen boards with twenty Columns , which is no big deal for Pegby. With sweet minimization and drag and drop capability, create as many Columns as you'd like but focus on the ones that matter to you in the moment. Pegby began with the Card . Ah, the Stack , the must have and most often used feature. We know Pegby is useful to one, but it becomes even more integral to daily life when it is shared with others.

Your Board is a bit too full? Welcome to Speckle! Sign Up - Done. What deux yeux have teux deux teuxday?