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Larry Lessig: How creativity is being strangled by the law (video) Creating a Productive Workspace. How would you like to permanently boost your productivity by making some simple changes to your work area?

Creating a Productive Workspace

If you’re going to spend so much time at your desk, then make sure it’s going to be a pleasant experience. How does your workspace make you feel? If you’re at your desk right now, take a moment to clear your mind, and think about how your work area makes you feel. Take a deep breath and get a sense of the subtle energies you pick up. 7 Rules for Maximizing Your Creative Output. After my last article on experiencing creativity, there was a question in the resulting forum discussion about how to enter this highly creative flow state, the state where you lose all sense of time, your ego vanishes, and you become one with the task in front of you.

7 Rules for Maximizing Your Creative Output

Is this peak creative state a rare chance event, or can it be achieved consistently? For me the creative flow state is a common occurrence. I usually enter this state several times a week, staying with it for hours at a time. I’m able to routinely enjoy the flow state as long as I ensure the right conditions, which I’ll share with you in a moment. My first memories of habitually entering this flow state date back to the early 80s when I was learning BASIC programming.