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OpenGL Programming Guide (Addison-Wesley Publishing Company): Ta. Get Vincent ES 1.x. Joe's Blog: An intro to modern OpenGL. Table of Contents. Tutorials:3ds Loader - Author: Damiano Vitulli It's now time to say goodbye to our dear cube!

Tutorials:3ds Loader -

In this lesson we will develop a routine to load 3ds objects, a very popular file format on the internet and supported by various 3d modelers. A 3d modeler allows you to create any type of object in a more intuitive and human way rather than to define by hand the coordinates of the vertices, which can become an impossible task even for simple objects just slightly more complicated than a cube.

Actually, I am very reluctant to throw away the cube, such a simple and perfect figure. However, until proven otherwise, spaceships, planets, missiles and anything that has to do with a space simulator seems to be completely different from the cube. Before starting to write the code it will be necessary to analyze the 3ds file structure. A 3ds file contains a series of information used to describe every detail of a 3d scene composed of one or more objects.

These chunks don't have a linear structure. We have found the MAIN CHUNK! Higher Level OpenGL Libraries. There are numerous Windowing system and interface libraries available for OpenGL as well as Scengraphs and High-level libraries build on top of OpenGL About GLUTGLUT is the OpenGL Utility Toolkit, a window system independent toolkit for writing OpenGL programs. It implements a simple windowing application programming interface (API) for OpenGL. GLUT makes it considerably easier to learn about and explore OpenGL Programming.Other GLUT-like Window System ToolkitsLibraries that are modeled on the functionality of GLUT providing support for things like: windowing and events, user input, menuing, full screen rendering, performance timingAbout GLX, GLU & DRI GLX is used on Unix OpenGL implementation to manage interaction with the X Window System and to encode OpenGL onto the X protocol stream for remote rendering.

GLU is the OpenGL Utility Library. SFML For Game Programmers. Benefits? Downsides? - Game Programming. Osg. Download ColladaLoader software for free. Loading 3D models in OpenGL - GameDev.Net Discussion Forums. OpenGL Lesson #31. Model Rendering Tutorial by Brett Porter ( The source for this project has been extracted from PortaLib3D, a library I have written to enable users to do things like displaying models with very little extra code. But so that you can trust such a library, you should understand what it is doing, so this tutorial aims to help with that.

The portions of PortaLib3D included here retain my copyright notices. This doesn't mean they can't be used by you - it means that if you cut-and-paste the code into your project, you have to give me proper credit. That's all. OpenGL Base Code The OpenGL base code is in Lesson31.cpp. Milkshape 3D The model I use in this example is from Milkshape 3D. However, the file format, while it will be described briefly here, is not the major concern for loading a model.

Model Data Structures These model data structures come from the class Model in Model.h. For now, you can ignore the m_boneID variable - that will come in a future tutorial! Simple?