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Your Random Numbers – Getting Started with Processing and Data Visualization. Over the last year or so, I’ve spent almost as much time thinking about how to teach data visualization as I’ve spent working with data.

Your Random Numbers – Getting Started with Processing and Data Visualization

I’ve been a teacher for 10 years – for better or for worse this means that as I learn new techniques and concepts, I’m usually thinking about pedagogy at the same time. Lately, I’ve also become convinced that this massive ‘open data’ movement that we are currently in the midst of is sorely lacking in educational components. The amount of available data, I think, is quickly outpacing our ability to use it in useful and novel ways. How can basic data visualization techniques be taught in an easy, engaging manner? This post, then, is a first sketch of what a lesson plan for teaching Processing and data visualization might look like. Let’s Start With the Data We’re not going to work with an old, dusty data set here.

Even on a Saturday, a lot of helpful folks pitched in, and I ended up with about 225 numbers. Proce55ing.walker,blog » Blog Archive » Processing2.0の新機能。シェーダを使って高速に模様を描く。 (シェーダ その2) 12月 25th, 2012.

Proce55ing.walker,blog » Blog Archive » Processing2.0の新機能。シェーダを使って高速に模様を描く。 (シェーダ その2)

Twitter. THE RECODE PROJECT. An active archive of computer art. Music Score. Hi, I'll try to do it but seems that don't works, I try to do it but I think that it's the long form to do it, but almost works, and I have the same problems to change to an other line, I'll put all the code, sorry I know that is a lot but if someone wants to run it, I'll try to do less with a FOR cycle but I don't know how yet import arb.soundcipher.

Music Score

. *; Ruin & Wesen: Support. OUTILSProcessingFichierDatalogSeconde. Angel Blaze Blazing Angel. OUTILSProcessingGUIControlP5OscilloMultiVoiesMultiControle. // Programme processing// généré avec le générateur de code Processing// X.


HINAULT - Avril 2011 - tous droits réservés// // ------- Licence du code de ce programme ----- // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,// or any later version.// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.


Tutorials. Tutorials. 25 life-saving tips for Processing « Amnon P5 – Experiments with Processing by Amnon Owed. 25 life-saving tips for Processing Posted by Amnon on January 28, 2012 · 37 Comments Well, perhaps they won’t literally save your life.

25 life-saving tips for Processing « Amnon P5 – Experiments with Processing by Amnon Owed

But they surely will help you write your sketches easier, faster and more efficiently! This post will be covering tips, tricks and other need-to-know information about Processing. I’ve also included many runnable code examples. 1. frameCount, millis(), modulo % and noise Let me start with a few functions that in themselves and in combination are extremely useful. 2. math, logical and relational operator shortcuts Any program will use operators. 3. math with ints A very common mistake is doing math operations on integers and expecting a floating number outcome.

Processing. Processing Tutorials – Plethora Project. is an initiative to accelerate computational literacy in the frame of architecture and design.

Processing Tutorials – Plethora Project

It aligns with the "show me your screens" motto of the TopLap live-coding group attempting to get rid of Obscurantism in digital design. Directed by Jose Sanchez Contact me at : Bio: Jose Sanchez is an Architect / Programmer / Game Designer based in Los Angeles, California. He is partner at Bloom Games, start-up built upon the BLOOM project, winner of the WONDER SERIES hosted by the City of London for the London 2012 Olympics. He is the director of the Plethora Project (, a research and learning project investing in the future of on-line open-source knowledge. Tutorials. Video Tutorials Links to videos that cover the Processing basics. Hello Processingby Daniel Shiffman et al.Short video lessons introduce coding exercises that lead to designing an interactive drawing program. Data visualization with Processing, Part 1: An introduction to the language and environment. Although many open source projects are driven to build alternatives for existing applications, there are numerous projects that represent new and innovative works.

Data visualization with Processing, Part 1: An introduction to the language and environment

Processing is one of those programs. Processing began at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's (MIT's) Media Lab in 2001, created by Ben Fry and Casey Reas, though it has contributions from Carnegie Mellon; the University of California, Los Angeles; Miami University; and others. The original goal for Processing was the development of a graphical sketchbook and environment that could be used to teach (graphically) the fundamentals of computer science. Processing (fr) Conçu par des artistes, pour des artistes, Processing est un des principaux environnements de création utilisant le code informatique pour générer des œuvres multimédias sur ordinateur.

Processing (fr)

L'attrait de ce logiciel réside dans sa simplicité d'utilisation et dans la diversité de ses applications : image, son, applications sur Internet et sur téléphones mobiles, conception d'objets électroniques interactifs. Processing fédère une forte communauté d'utilisateurs professionnels et amateurs : artistes, graphistes, vidéastes, typographes, architectes, web designers et designers en général. Il est également utilisé par des enseignants en arts qui souhaitent familiariser leurs étudiants avec les potentialités artistiques de la programmation, les concepteurs du logiciel l'ayant pensé dès l'origine comme un outil d'apprentissage. Dessiner et créer avec du code informatique Processing permet également de programmer des circuits électroniques qui interagissent avec le milieu qui les entoure.