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Egypt: the wait. Nouvelles de BBC - Egypte: Le camp qui a renversé un président. Cairo's central Tahrir Square was the focal point for anti-Mubarak protesters during 18 days of demonstrations.

Nouvelles de BBC - Egypte: Le camp qui a renversé un président

As the protest neared its peak, the BBC's Yolande Knell took a tour of the area. Explore the protesters' camp by clicking on the links. Tanks Throughout the demonstration, protesters have sat and slept around tanks parked near the Egyptian Museum, to prevent the army from advancing into the square. Street clinic This "street hospital", staffed by volunteer doctors, is one of several clinics where injured protesters have their wounds treated. Flag sellers A whole economy has grown up in the square since the protests began.

Food stalls This bean seller is one of many food vendors who have set up stalls inside the barricades. Rubbish bins Egypt has no formal system of recycling so the demonstrators have set up their own, as part of efforts to keep the square clean. Artwork This artwork, "Egypt's Heart", is one of many created by the demonstrators. Protesters Cheer Mubarak’s Resignation - Slide Show. Les manifestations au Caire, vendredi 11 février. Egypt protests enter their 16th day – in pictures. Photos From the Protests in Egypt. Egypt: Demanding Change : un album. Even the Middle Ground Is Perilous in Cairo: Nine Photographers Describe Their Experience. ‭BBC Arabic‬ - ‮الشرق الأوسط‬ - ‮بالصور: "جمعة الرحيل"‬ PhpQ26Waw428454.jpg (5184×3456) Revolution : un album. Egypt Protests: Anti-Mubarak vs Pro-Mubarak Riots. First it was the riot police, then the army and now the anti-Mubarak protesters have to deal with pro-Mubarak supporters taking to the streets.

Egypt Protests: Anti-Mubarak vs Pro-Mubarak Riots

Heavy fighting between the two opposing factions continued throughout the night on Tahrir Square in Cairo with shots being fired, stones being thrown and several people being killed.UPDATE 04-02-2011: Added images of the Friday protests in Caito and Alexandria. Mubarak is saying he can’t leave right now as Egypt would erupt into chaos. As this might be exaggerated it does pose the question who should take over when he goes.

The army? A group of opposition leaders? 101. 202. 303. 404. A harrowing, historic week in Egypt. They have been days of chants and chaos, bloodshed mixed with moments of breathtaking solidarity between the protesters and the soldiers sent to subdue them.

A harrowing, historic week in Egypt

The flame of social unrest that first flickered in Tunisia has spread to Egypt, culminating with the announcement Tuesday by President Hosni Mubarak that after three decades in power, he would not run for another term. The clashes left government buildings in ashes, stores ransacked, and an economy teetering. Cairo's international airport teemed with Americans and other foreigners trying to flee; Egypt's tourism industry froze. At Cairo's Liberation Square, Mubarak's announcement was met with jeers and calls for an immediate resignation. Pro-Mubarak forces struck back, attacking the protesters in waves.

President Hosni Mubarak, in a taped speech shown Tuesday night, announces he would not run for reelection. Jan 25 Revolution : un album. Marée humaine au Caire. Photos From the Protests in Egypt. Ever-Larger Protests Flood Cairo Streets - Slide Show. Anger in Egypt, February 1, Part One : un album. Egypte : marée humaine pour réclamer le départ de Moubarak. Slideshow: Egypt protests. Portfolio. The Egypt Protests. The Egyptian protests against lack of work, rising food prices and the oppressive regime of President Hosni Mubarak seem to be moving towards a climax.

The Egypt Protests

Today the Egyptian government has shut down all internet access and text messaging service to try and prevent people from finding out about the protests. And to stop people from finding out about the police brutality which has been going on for decades, as can be read in the Wikileaks Egypt Cables released today. It takes brave, or desperate, people to stand up to people with guns so we wish the people of Egypt well. #Egypte #Egypt #jan25 #jan28 #Tahrir source: Démonstrations en Egypte - Photos - Naissance d’une iconographie révolutionnaire au Maghreb ? » Article » OWNI, Digital Journalism. Le choix d'une image pour illustrer un article n'est jamais neutre.

Naissance d’une iconographie révolutionnaire au Maghreb ? » Article » OWNI, Digital Journalism

Olivier Beuvelet analyse pour nous deux choix iconographiques des rédactions du et du sur les récents évènements algérois. Dans le prolongement de la réflexion d’André Gunthert et de Patrick Peccatte sur la représentation médiatique des événements tunisiens et algériens, et concernant plus particulièrement la conversion visuelle de la presse française qui est passée de la mise en images d’”émeutes” semblables à celles qu’a connues la France en 2005, à l’éloge lyrique de la Révolution tunisienne, j’ai cru bon de mettre en relation deux images glanées à quelques heures d’intervalles sur le site du puis sur Le, samedi 22 janvier.

Le : projection des clivages français sur les évènements algérois Pour le, la manifestation d’Alger se présente dans le registre iconographique des émeutes. Voici comment l’Egypte a muselé l’internet. In pictures: Anger in Egypt. Featured on Al Jazeera The author argues that in the new economy, it's people, not skills or majors, that have lost value.

In pictures: Anger in Egypt

Colleagues of detained Al Jazeera journalists press demands for their release, 100 days after their arrest in Egypt. Mehdi Hasan discusses online freedoms and the potential of the web with Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales. A tight race seems likely as 814 million voters elect leaders in world's largest democracy next week.