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Valve’s Portal 2/Potato Sack Promotion Gets Mixed Reactions. Last week Valve announced that gamers could unlock Portal 2 earlier than the projected Tuesday 19th release date by playing 13 indie games that they bundled together to make The Potato Sack. Valve has been logging all the game time played on each of the 13 games in the bundle and once enough hours of play have been completed on each respective title, a little more time is shaved off the countdown for Portal 2‘s release. As it currently stands at the time of writing, 7 of the games are fully completed with progress on most of the other 8 hovers around half way mark. There’s now approximately 18 hours to go until Portal 2‘s release on Steam (Sorry console players!).

Unlocking a highly anticipated game a little earlier by playing other fun and innovative games may sound like a good thing, but the way the campaign was presented has also caused a fair amount of controversy across Steam forums and gaming sites’ comment boards. Nobody is getting suckered here. Free Portal 2 DLC for Everyone! For fans who cannot stop thinking with portals, you’ll be happy to know that Valve’s hotly anticipated first DLC (Downloadable content) pack for Portal 2 will be available entirely free of charge.

Free Portal 2 DLC for Everyone!

That’s regardless of whether you have a PC, PS3 or Xbox 360 version of the game. Portal 2 - Moonbase Alpha (Plus glitches!) Portal 2 - Rat Man runs past at Turret Opera. Gmod - GLaDOS Doesn't Appreciate Hacks. Crap turrets [Portal 2/Gmod] Portal 2: The So called Out of Map Glitch - GLaDOS Wakeup Chamber (How it really was done!) Portal 2 Bug: Broken Rocket Turrets. So then I put a portal in a portal to see what happens. Blue Portals: Turret Demo. Hammer Notepad: Fire Cube and Ice Cube Mechanic in Action! Hammer Notepad: Gel Cubes. Portal 2 Mod Idea - What if the space core took over aperture ? : Portal. Portal Mod DB. About Outside Influence - Volume One with by SpAM_CAN on Apr 12th, 2014 Long time no see!

Portal Mod DB

I've been busy with university, moving across the country, and a whole host of other things, and this has sadly meant that I've not been able to do much to the mod over the last 8 months. However, I've not been completely idle! In January I entered, and won, the Gamebanana "High Altitude" mapping contest with a little entry known as Portal: Skyline. The more eagle-eyed of you may notice that various elements of this bear a striking resemblance to screenshots from Outside Influence. Not only that, but the feedback from this has helped re-shape and modify the rest of the main mod, streamlining many of the puzzles and making them much easier to follow, as well as some general refinement of various areas and tasks. Portal Teaser Trailer. Map Factory - the game map database. Still Alive by shakethedust. La mise à jour de Portal est un mensonge. L est bientôt 1h du mat', j'ai les yeux qui commencent à piquer quand un truc attire mon attention sur Steam : Portal se met à jour.

La mise à jour de Portal est un mensonge

Bizarre, ils sont soit perfectionnistes, soit ça cache un truc. Renseignements pris, la mise à jour du 1er Mars indique ceci : "Changed radio transmission frequency to comply with federal and state spectrum management regulations. " Un petit tour par google et "voilà-t'y pas", comme on dit par chez Louzou (Moi aussi je peux tout péter ton pseudo!) Qu'un nouveau succès (en bas de la liste) vient d'apparaitre sur ce jeu. Tout ceci est bien mystérieux, ma foi... A moins que... The update is a lie.The update is a lie.The update is a lie.The update is a lie.The update is a lie.The update is a lie.The update is a lie.

En passant, le site n'a rien à voir dans cette affaire, inutile donc de citer vos "découvertes" qui sont déjà connues depuis des lustres. Portal Weighted Companion Cube Plush. Portal 2 Interactive Gels. If Valve were to make portal 3 what do think the story will be? I think this because when you first heard about her and GLaDOS is trying to remember her, she pauses and needs "time to think.

If Valve were to make portal 3 what do think the story will be?

" This must mean she was important in at some point, as in relation to Chell, plus she was in the ending song. "She was a lot like you. Maybe not quite as heavy. Now little Caroline is in here too. " The only reason she would say ".. a lot like you" is if they were in similar positions, meaning she was tested on.

Dot-com-portal2-personalitycorealignmentchart.jpg (JPEG Image, 1369x1133 pixels) - Scaled (69%) Portal Game Script v2.1 - Ayelis. Where Babies Come From, According to Portal. Portal: The Flash Version. Chell (Portal) Concept art of Portal 2 depicted Chell "dressed by machines" When making Portal 2, developers considered not bringing back the character.[4][5] However, this was changed as playtesters wanted GLaDOS to recognize them as the person who had killed her in the first game.[1][6] In her original redesign for Portal 2 developers tried to make her look appealing, yet not overdesigned,[5] with nothing made simply for fashion.[4] They explored changing her nationality, and tried to make her look less human due to the "constant dehumanization of these test subjects".

Chell (Portal)

Being a test subject, Chell's suit was designed to look neither sexy nor unattractive. The original redesign of the character featured a laboratory hat, which was thought of halfway through the concepting phase.[4][7] Matt Charlesworth, Valve's concept artist, commented that the hat reminded him of test pilots.[4] The Never Ending... Ending (Portal 2 SPOILER) Aperture Science Personality Construct - Combine OverWiki, the Half-Life and Portal wiki - Half-Life, Half-Life 2, Portal, Portal 2, Episode Three, and everything behind-the-scenes! "The Enrichment Center reminds you that although circumstances may appear bleak, you are not alone.

Aperture Science Personality Construct - Combine OverWiki, the Half-Life and Portal wiki - Half-Life, Half-Life 2, Portal, Portal 2, Episode Three, and everything behind-the-scenes!

All Aperture Science personality constructs will remain functional in apocalyptic, low power environments of as few as 1.1 volts. " ―Announcer[src] Aperture Science Personality Constructs, also known as Personality Cores or Personality Spheres, are artificial intelligences developed by Aperture Science. They are housed within spherical casings for ease of transport, and are used for a wide range of purposes in the Enrichment Center.

Alongside the Nanobots, they are the backbones of the facility. Overview. What Would you do with a Portal Gun? Given access to the pinnacle of Aperture Science technology, what fun would you get up to while furthering science? Recently, we asked Gnews readers the simple question that’s been circulating gaming forums pretty much since was released in 2007: What would you do with a Portal Gun? The response was enthusiastic, with suggestions flying thick and fast. Here’s a bunch of the best (and worst!) Ideas that caught our eye: Good Things to Try With a Portal Gun Create an instant commuter route between your home and your school/college/place of work. Lick your own elbow. Rescue people who fall from great heights or into the path of an oncoming train.

Portal 2 Preview // PC /// C'est confirmé, nous pourrons à nouveau sautiller dans les couloirs d'Aperture Science Labs dès l'hiver prochain.

Portal 2 Preview // PC ///

Comme Valve ne fait pas les choses à moitié, la fin du premier Portal a bénéficié récemment d'une mise à jour afin de garantir une continuité dans la narration. Dans cette version modifiée, Chell Johnson, l'héroïne du jeu, se fait à nouveau capturer par un robot... Elle va rester 100 ans en détention, maintenue en vie dans un caisson. Durant cette période, l'Aperture Science Labs a subi les outrages du temps et à son réveil, Chell se retrouve dans un lieu qui semble abandonné. Portal 2. Portal Ending - a Funny video.

Portal: The Flash Version MapPack for Portal. Portal Level Creation:fr. Gear Portal Map Pack V2 Portal. Portal 2, Zoom sur PC. Portal 2 : Test en vidéo. Portal 2 : interview et trailer pour le coop. Bandes-annonces HD - Portal 2 PC - Trailer coopératif. Portal 2 Teaser Trailer - E3 2010. iPhone news, Portal (iPhone), Pocket Gamer. Opération portes ouvertes Portal, l’un des jeux les plus originaux issus du PC et du célèbre FPS Half-Life, est en cours de développement sur iPhone.

iPhone news, Portal (iPhone), Pocket Gamer

Mieux, il est annoncé très prochainement ! Sorti en 2007 sur PC dans le pack Orange Box (rien à voir avec l’opérateur téléphonique, rassurez-vous), le jeu Portal consiste en une succession d'énigmes que le joueur doit résoudre en téléportant l'avatar ou des objets à l'aide d'une arme capable de créer un portail spatial entre deux surfaces planes.

Le joueur est mis au défi par une intelligence artificielle et doit résoudre chacune des énigmes en utilisant l'arme à portails, avec la promesse de recevoir un gâteau quand toutes les énigmes seront résolues. Portal est souvent présenté comme l'un des jeux les plus originaux de 2007, bien qu'il soit relativement rapide à terminer. En attendant la sortie du jeu, voici une petite vidéo qui vous fera découvrir le principe très accrocheur de ce jeu de réflexion vraiment original… Hammer Notepad: Electric Gel. Portal 2 Paint Gun (Custom) Portal 2 - The Fourth Gel. Portal 2 Playground Secret Room. Getting to the moon even before you beat Weately. Portal 2 Coop Mode in Real life.