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Rup - Relais pour le développement Urbain Participé. Projets citoyens. The Goodspeed Update » Internet Tools for e-Democracy in Urban Planning. Update, October 2009 – I have launched a directory of web tools for collaboration in planning on my MIT website and will no longer be updating this page. Contents The Internet has profoundly impacted the practice of urban planning as email, websites, online Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and online research have become central to the profession. However, planners efforts to communicate information and interact with the public online has been minimal. Individual agencies have experimented with various tools, but many have not due to technical illiteracy, concerns about cost, equity concerns, or the usability of available tools.

However, new changes suggest this will increasingly change. This page describes how planners could use internet tools to enhance the practice of planning. Since the advent of Internet technologies there has been a great interest in the planning profession for publicly-available Internet Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

Commissaire enquêteur, enquête publique, CNCE.