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Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Anarchy (But Were Afraid To Ask) | Spiral Nature. Introduction There is probably more rubbish talked about anarchism than any other political idea. Actually, it has nothing to do with a belief in chaos, death and destruction. Anarchists do not normally carry bombs, nor do they ascribe any virtue to beating up old ladies. It is no accident that the sinister image of the mad anarchist is so accepted. The State, the press and all the assorted authoritarian types, use every means at their disposal to present anarchy as an unthinkable state of carnage and chaos. The alleged necessity of authority is so firmly planted in the average mind that anarchy, which means simply no government’ is almost unthinkable to most people. Yet there are a limitless range of possible societies without the State. Various sorts of anarchists have differing ideas on exactly how society ought to be organised.

Another common misunderstanding from those who know slightly more about it, is that anarchism is a nice daydream, a beautiful but impractical idea. Cannot find Weapons of Mass Destruction. Wikileaks. Bill Maher Discusses Religious Fanatics - a News & Politics video. THINGS REPUBLICANS HATE | The Complete Guide to Conservative Hatred. Courage Campaign. Money in Politics -- See Who's Giving & Who's Getting. Truthout | Fearless, Independent News and Opinion.

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