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Categorizing Online Participation (Discussion) The Three C’s of Social Networking: Consumption, Curation, Creation. InShare180 Over the years, social networks have lured us from the confines of our existing realities into a new genre of digital domains that not only captivated us, but fostered the creation of new realities. As George Bernard Shaw observed, “Life is not about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself.” Such is true for social networks and the digital persona and resulting experiences we create and cultivate. It was the beginning of the shift in behavior toward an era of digital extroversion, self-defined by varying degrees of sharing, connections, and engagement. On Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, et al., we were attracted by the promise of reigniting forgotten relationships and enamored by the sparking of new connections. These relationships evolved into our social graphs and ultimately our interest graphs and forever changing how we discover, share, and learn.

Our concerns of privacy or the lack thereof, now require education. The Social Genome I call this “Social Graph Theory.” The Internet Participation Spiral. It’s New! It’s New! Artisan blogging « via פλenK. ” I sense” , my personal state of mind in Personal Knowledge Mangement is exactly at this point, at least in #PLENK2010. During the month of march I came across a post of Harold Jarche “Artisans choose their tools”.

In those days I did not know what a great figure Harold Jarche is in the field of education, since I am a newbie to the web world. But his article made perfect sense to me. “I sensed” while working on my project about “Web 2.0 tools” months later, how precious his expertise is in the “Internet Time Alliance“. So, I was looking forward to hear Harold Jarche on Personal Knowledge Management in the Elluminate session. “I sense” his sense making “I seek, I sense, I share” appeals to me mostly, since as a self assigned learner I made this experience or as Stephen Downes commented “We have so much in common”. ” I sensed”, during the recorded session, that I have to explain myself more in my blog “via פλenK“.

“I sense” , a blog facade gives inside of its owner . ” I live online” . PLENK2010info.