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Harold Jarche's Session

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Feeling uncomfortable with Personal Knowledge Management. Harold Jarche illuminated participants on #PLENK2010 on his ideas of Personal Knowledge Management on Friday. The way he sees it seems to boil down to doing something with information in an effective way: share it and/or action it. Vlimaka on Cryselina linked some of the readers of the week in an interesting way to what Harold had to say and made the connection between PKM and Knowledge Management in organizations and how the two might compare. I have some problems with Knowledge Management and even more so with the term Personal Knowledge Management. 1. My first problem is that it gives me the jitters to see that another business term has crept into the social sciences. 2. Knowledge in my view is related to the context in which it emerges. What then about knowledge management in the workplace? So, what do I think of (personal) knowledge management? Week 8: Harold Jarche. Start Session Optionally, you can pre-configure your computer and test your audio using one of our Configuration Rooms prior to your session.

Please visit our "First time Users" section in the Support Portal to view configuration rooms for Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing. Note: When joining a Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing session for the first time you will see a Security Dialog. Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing is asking for you to run this application without a verification of its digital signature. On the Job: Be A Thought Leader! Small companies have to work hard to get visibility, especially when the market is crowded with competitors all vying for the same business. In high tech they face the added dilemma that IT departments don’t want to buy from a small unknown vendor, and the vendor can’t become large and reputable unless it has major customers. So, how does a company become better known with limited resources? By becoming an industry thought leader. What’s a thought leader? A thought leader is a recognized leader in one’s field. What differentiates a thought leader from any other knowledgeable company, is the recognition from the outside world that the company deeply understands its business, the needs of its customers, and the broader marketplace in which it operates.

Trust is built on reputation and reputation is generally NOT built on advertising. How does one become a thought leader? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Finally, 7. Links to articles on thought leadership. Web tools for critical thinking. A few years back, Dave Pollard wrote a post on critical thinking and it’s one that I’ve referred to a few times since. I think that real critical thinking is a key survival skill in our global, digital surround. What I think really needs to be taught is critical thinking as a defensive skill. We all think logically, but we can be fooled. Inadvertently or maliciously. Almost every interest group in the world is now on an information & marketing offensive. Looking at several web tools from the perspective of critical thinking, and the processes described by Dave, shows something similar to a personal learning environment (PLE). PKM PLENK. The New Social Learning. WHERE GOOD IDEAS COME FROM by Steven Johnson.