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Systems Theories

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Systems Theories. Ten of the greatest: 30-second theories. By JOHN GRIBBIN, Visiting Fellow in Astronomy at Sussex University UPDATED: 21:24 GMT, 26 June 2010 From the principle of least action, to Richard Dawkins' memetics theory through to the placebo effect, John Gribbin discusses the greatest 30-second theories The physicist Richard Feynman proved that all 'indirect' routes interfere with each other, leaving only one viable path - the quickest This is a fancy way of saying that nature is lazy.

Ten of the greatest: 30-second theories

Things happen in the way that requires least effort, which is why, among other things, light travels in straight lines. Relativity.pdf - Powered by Google Docs. Interdimensionality. Systems Theories. Theory of Everything: What is Matter? Theory of Everything (intro) La Théorie des Cordes.