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Cabbage Juice Cures 100 of Diseases. By Organic Health.

Cabbage Juice Cures 100 of Diseases

The Best Foods to Cleanse your Lungs. It should go without saying that our lungs are one of the most important organs in our body.

The Best Foods to Cleanse your Lungs

Every day the average human takes around 20,000 breaths. Each one of those breaths is powered by our lungs, which work 24 hours a day to suck in the atmosphere and extract the necessary gasses for survival. Lung diseases are some of the most common medical conditions worldwide. Respiratory ailments range from mild to life-threatening, and include conditions like asthma, pneumonia, lung cancer, bronchitis, cystic fibrosis and more.

Exercise, not smoking, and avoiding pollution are all common ways for people to ensure lung health. Cleanse Your Lungs With Honey-Water. By Healthy Food Star You have probably heard about honey’s health benefits, but have you ever heard about healing properties of honey-water?

Cleanse Your Lungs With Honey-Water

How to prepare honey-water Put one teaspoon of honey in a glass of fresh lukewarm water and mix. You will get a 30% honey mixture which has identical composition as blood plasma. Honey creates a cluster compound in the water which increases this mixture’s health benefits. Newsiosity - 10 Awesome Vinegar Life Hacks (VIDEO) Guaranteed Teeth Whitening Within A Week. How To Purify Your Lungs In 72 Hours. Some people have lung problems even though they have never light a cigarette in their life, while other have been smoking for 40 years and their lungs work perfectly fine.

How To Purify Your Lungs In 72 Hours

How To Remove Plaque Without Going To The Dentist. We all know that when it comes to removing plaque, the dentist will do the job perfectly.

How To Remove Plaque Without Going To The Dentist

However, there are many natural recipes through which you can get rid of plaque at home. 1st recipe: Ingredients needed: 30 grams of walnut husksWater Method of preparation: Hemp Oil – The Best (forbidden) Cure for Everything? The history of using the cannabis for medicinal purposes is amazingly long.

Hemp Oil – The Best (forbidden) Cure for Everything?

As a remedy, it is mentioned in the oldest known collection of rules for making medicines (from about the 27th century BC), pharmacopoeia of the Chinese Emperor Shen Nong. In that collection, Shen Nong, who is considered as the father of the Chinese medicine, talks about the hemp as a cure for almost all diseases. The hemp has been used as a remedy in ancient Egypt, India and Greece. Magic Mushrooms Promote Positive Processing of Emotions. By JordanThe Spirit Science I found an article recently that depicted some absolutely incredible information!

Magic Mushrooms Promote Positive Processing of Emotions

You’ll notice the way it’s presented demonstrates exactly the problem that limits us from fully immersing ourselves in this kind of information. The article is called “Psilocybin inhibits the processing of negative emotions in the brain”… Notice how its focusing on the negative. Instead of saying “promoting positive processing of emotions”, the article words it very purposefully to deflect the full truth. Mysterious Honey Discovered That Kills All Bacteria Scientists Throw At It. Australian researchers have been astonished to discover a cure-all right under their noses — a honey sold in health food shops as a natural medicine.

Mysterious Honey Discovered That Kills All Bacteria Scientists Throw At It

Far from being an obscure health food with dubious healing qualities, new research has shown the honey kills every type of bacteria scientists have thrown at it, including the antibiotic-resistant “superbugs” plaguing hospitals and killing patients around the world. Some bacteria have become resistant to every commonly prescribed antibacterial drug. Soylent - Free Your Body. This is The Most Powerful Natural Antibiotic Ever – Kills Any Infections in The Body. By Health Care Above All The basic formula of this powerful tonic dates back to medieval Europe, that is, from the era when people suffered from all sorts of diseases and epidemics.

This is The Most Powerful Natural Antibiotic Ever – Kills Any Infections in The Body

This master cleansing tonic is actually an antibiotic that kills gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It has also a powerful antiviral and antifungal formula, increases blood circulation and lymph flow in all parts of the body. This plant-based remedy is the best choice for the fight against candida. This tonic has helped many people to cure many viral, bacterial, parasitic and fungal diseases and even plague! It can cure many chronic conditions and diseases. To sum up, this tonic is effective in the treatment of all diseases, successfully strengthens the immune system, acts as an antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic medicine. Master tonic – Recipe Ingredients: OVERVIEW OF HEMORRHOIDS - The Cayce Health Database. Indisputable Evidence That Cannabis May Be The Most Nutritional Vegetable In The World.

Death By Doctor. (80) The Power of Raw Cannabis. 30 Magical Uses For Hydrogen Peroxide. Herbs & Oils Things To Make & Do With Herbs & Essential Oils 30 Magical Uses For Hydrogen Peroxide February 28, 2013 by admin Leave a Comment.

30 Magical Uses For Hydrogen Peroxide

ORMUS. The Super heroes... Natural Alternatives to the Top 10 Most Prescribed Drugs. Key Statistics: Hypothyroidism is most common in women over age 50. In fact, as much as 10% of women over 50 will have at least mild hypothyroidism. More than 70 million prescriptions are given for Synthroid annually. Natural Remedy: Check for Mineral Deficiencies. Low thyroid problems might happen because the thyroid is being attacked by your own immune system, but it can also occurs from mineral deficiencies such as iodine, iron, or selenium. Talk to your doctor about whether taking mineral supplements before going on meds might be for you, or whether natural thyroid glandular supplements, such as BMR Complex by Integrative Therapeutics, might be helpful. “The thyroid glandular [supplement] supplies the raw materials needed to optimize thyroid function, so taking one or two capsules three times daily between meals could start the process of kicking your thyroid back into gear within a month,” says Dr.

Natural Remedy: Try Herbal Relief First. Dr. 6. Dr. Employee News « 2012 Indy Info – LRC. Very interesting!!!! Is it time to act??????? Mesa man, 110, credits health to 5 foods. The end of modern medicine as we know it ? The World Health Organisation has claimed that antibiotic resistant bacteria could cause a global crisis. The warning centers around concerns that bacteria could soon become so resistant to antibiotics that routine operations would be impossible and even a simple scratch could prove fatal.