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Creatoro/flexilang - GitHub. Bmidget/kohana-formo - GitHub. Kohana-translate – an i18n module for collecting translations. Kohana-translate – an i18n module for collecting translations Previously, I did a tutorial on Kohana 3 internationalization, and promised that I would create a better tool for collecting translations. Here it is: Kohana-translate is a module for collecting translations. For a how-to on Kohana 3 internationalization, read my tutorial on i18n here. That module used the deprecated Sprig ORM,had a different idea of what the translation files should contain (e.g. key lookups rather than string lookups),did not include user managementnor did it support locking translations (meaning that two translators working at the same time would overwrite each other’s texts)nor did it deal with a number of niceties, such as: ability to update the translation later from a file,ability to specify which languages to translate to via UI,ability to upload translation files via UI,having a fancy-pants progress bar to motivate translators,and edge cases (multiline string linefeed conversion, UTF8).

Getting started. Site Navigation Module. Table Library: Documentation. HTML Table Library turns arrays, database results or ORM iterators into HTML tables. What makes it different from other libraries is that is provides an incrediblly easy, yet powerful object-oriented methodology for separating and manipulating data (input) from presentation (output), It includes options for setting data, rendering, markup, filtering data, custom HTML injection, optimization routes, and more. Download it here:, add comments or report issues. Quick Start How to get up and running in under 30 seconds, without caring too much about how it works. A basic table User Guide This section starts with an overview of the library, and an introduction of the main concepts behind it.

Then, some straightforward code examples to let you get a quick idea of typical usage. Finally, the techniques needed to get you using the library to a more advanced level. API Guide This section outlines the class API. Firstly, creating a table and adding data to it: Finally, rendering the table: Rendering. Mixu/useradmin - GitHub. Kohana/pagination - GitHub. Shadowhand/email - GitHub. Kohana login controller. HTML Table Library released. Mixu / appform / source – Bitbucket.