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Michel Foucault - StumbleUpon - Vimperator. Repository of texts written by Michel Foucault - StumbleUpon - Vimperator. T H E A T R U M P H I L 0 S O P H I C U M* - StumbleUpon - Vimperator. Michel Foucault This review essay originally appeared in Critique 282(1970), pp. 885-908.

T H E A T R U M P H I L 0 S O P H I C U M* - StumbleUpon - Vimperator

The translation, by Donald F. Brouchard and Sherry Simon, has been slightly amended. I must discuss two books of exceptional merit and importance: Difference and Repetition and The Logic of Sense.(1) Indeed, these books are so outstanding that they are difficult to discuss; this may explain, as well, why so few have undertaken this task. I believe that these words will continue to revolve about us in enigmatic resonance with those of Klossowski, another major and excessive sign, and perhaps one day, this century will be known as Deleuzian.

One after another, I should like to explore the many paths that lead to the heart of these challenging tests. Overturn Platonism: what philosophy has not tried? Are all philosophies individual species of the genus "anti-Platonic"? In any event, here is Deleuze. Occupying the other side of Platonism are the Stoics. Foucaults Introduction to Kants Anthropology - StumbleUpon - Vimperator. Micheal Foucault Translated by Arianna Bove Translator's Note The following text is my translation of Michel Foucault’s Complementary Dissertation on Kant’s Anthropology from a pragmatic point of view, presented as his doctoral research in 1961.

Foucaults Introduction to Kants Anthropology - StumbleUpon - Vimperator

The original version in French can be found here. Foucault translated Kant’s text into French for Libraire Philosophique J. This translation is incomplete and based on my manuscript which at times resulted unclear. This text took shape over a period of twenty five years, and the only stage available to us, transformed in line with Kant’s thought as it brings out new formulations, is the last one. […] Would the archaeology of the text, if it were possible, allow us to see the birth of ‘homo criticus’, whose structure would essentially differ from the man who preceded him? Inner sense.(1) The apperception on the one hand is defined, in a sense closer to the Critique, by the consciousness of the understanding alone. World Citizen. 1. 2. 3. 4. Michel Foucault - Archives - StumbleUpon - Vimperator. Michel Foucault. Quest-ce que les Lumières ? - StumbleUpon - Vimperator. Michel Foucault, info. - StumbleUpon - Vimperator. Un projet à échelle européenne - StumbleUpon - Vimperator.

The Body and Power - StumbleUpon - Vimperator. Interview with Michel Foucault Interviewers: editorial collective of Quel Corps?.

The Body and Power - StumbleUpon - Vimperator

Dits et ecrits June 1975 You depict in Discipline and Punish a political system where the King's body plays an essential role .... In a society like that of the seventeenth century, the King's body wasn't a metaphor, but a political reality. Its physical presence was necessary for the functioning of the monarchy. And what about the Republic, 'one and indivisible'? That's a formula that was imposed against the Girondins and the idea of an American-style federalism. Is there a fantasy body corresponding to different types of institution? I believe the great fantasy is the idea of a social body constituted by the universality of wilts. The eighteenth century is usually seen under the aspect of liberation. As always with relations of power, one is faced with complex phenomena which don't obey the Hegelian form of the dialectic.

I don't agree at all with this talk about 'recuperation'. Certainly.