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18 Rules of Living by the Dalai Lama. It is much easier to be brave if you do not know everything. 18108_561271643887815_1008037715_n.png (PNG-Grafik, 950 × 583 Pixel) Lange Menschen bzw Große Menschen, Singles & Partys - TechXtra: Engineering, Mathematics, and Computing. Awesomely Awesome List of Things To Do When You're Home Alone. Sparklers, what are you doing reading this article right now? You should be out with your friends doing all those fun things that I (and your fellow Sparklers) came up with earlier this week.

What’s that? You’re bored, broke, AND you don’t have any friends? Well that’s just tragic. But I know where you’re coming from. (I’m warning you all right now, some of these are pretty awful. Stare at a light bulb. Anyone else ready to go back to school yet? Topics: Life Tags: boredom, summer, friends, loneliness, things to do, faye, things to do when you're bored. Lange Menschen bzw Große Menschen, Singles & Partys - - Antwort auf alle aktuellen Knigge-Fragen. 30 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself. How Old R U. 23 Reasons Why May Is Going To Be The Best Month Ever. Why Germans Have Longer Vacation Times and More Productivity : Lifestyle. Motivation-Infographic.jpg (JPEG-Grafik, 5104 × 3298 Pixel) - Skaliert (21%) The 6 People You Need in Your Corner.

The 11 Leadership Secrets You've Never Heard About. How to Pitch Anything in 15 Seconds [video] Few technologies are as complicated to explain as 4G LTE. Last year I worked with a group of leaders for the division of a global, publicly traded company who were responsible for pitching the technology to potential customers. Since the group was struggling to explain the technology simply, I introduced them to a tool that I’ve used very successfully with other brands—a message map. The leaders in this particular division were responsible for pitching the technology to public safety agencies. Their audience knew a lot about police work, but had little knowledge about wireless broadband.

Imagine if the head of a public service agency heard something like this: 4G LTE is a standard for the wireless communication of high-speed data based on the GSM/EDGE and UMTS/HSPA network technologies, increasing the capacity and speed of new modulation techniques. Not one person would have acted on the pitch because they wouldn’t be able to understand a word of it! Build a message map in 3-steps. 5 Ways To Make a Killer First Impression.