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View topic - The Four Noble Truths. Of course this is only my opinion, but I would like to share it but also add, if I offend, please ignore.

View topic - The Four Noble Truths

Unless you don't mind being offended, of course. I like some of these philosophies somewhat. But I think they are attitudes that bring results, but do not describe "reality".We are all going to be dead one day, and unless we are unhappy ghosts attached to the physical realm starring in some reality tv show, we are going to let all this physical stuff go eventually. So at that time we can give up all the attachments as necessary. 1. The INFP Personality: How To Get From The Front Door To The Car. The INFP Personality: How To Get From The Front Door To The Car As Introverts, INFPs tend to be quiet and reserved, have few close friends, and expend energy in social situations (as opposed to Extraverts, who tend to gain energy in social situations).

The INFP Personality: How To Get From The Front Door To The Car

As Intuitives they tend to focus on the 'big picture' rather than the details, and the future rather than the 'here and now'. INFP Analysis. Applied Interpersonal Dynamics Mr.

INFP Analysis

Robert H. Ballantyne Ed.D. Homework Assignment for In Depth Analysis of Myers-Briggs Indicator Type INFP: INFP Personality Types. Each letter in the personality type code - I, N, F, and P - describes a preference for a way of thinking or behaving.

INFP Personality Types

There are eight styles and you use all of them, but INFPs prefer: Introversion (thinking things through) more than Extraversion (interacting with people)iNtuition (perceiving new possibilities) more than Sensing (perceiving tangible facts)Feeling (making decisions using subjective values) more than Thinking (making decisions using objective logic)Perception (a flexible lifestyle) more than Judgement (an organised lifestyle) INFP. The following is adapted from Linda V.


Berens and Dario Nardi, The 16 Personality Types: Descriptions for Self-Discovery (Telos Publications, 1999) *Used with permission. What's it like to be you? I have a very internal focus. I think I look at myself through other people's eyes, but sometimes I can lose touch with how things work for me. INFP. The REAL Personality Types Made Relevant. A Very High Percentage of INFPs are Gifted « intuitive * introverted * creative. I’m compelled to write – Many people are expressing an isolation that was explained to some degree by the MBTI.

A Very High Percentage of INFPs are Gifted « intuitive * introverted * creative

Please be aware that a very high percentage of gifted people are INFPs. Giftedness – a condition beyond simple intelligence – adds another layer of uniqueness that may be responsible for one’s feeling separate or disconnected. Gifted people view the world very differently. For example, they tend to have a finely tuned sense of right and wrong that results in a frequent state of moral indignation. Thoughts on the INFP Personality Type from an INFP. I’m currently trying to figure out my Hedgehog Concept.

Thoughts on the INFP Personality Type from an INFP

The Hedgehog Concept comes from Jim Collins’ book Good To Great. His book explains how good businesses become great businesses. However, his idea is exactly what INFPs need to achieve personal success. The Hedgehog Concept Our Hedgehog Concept is what we should be doing. In the parable of the fox and hedgehog, the fox goes from one thing to another, trying new ways to try to catch the hedgehog. What It Means to be an INFP or Being an INFP Is... Mon, March 13, 2006 - 1:36 AM INFPs tend toward depression and it's not really a big mystery as to why.

What It Means to be an INFP or Being an INFP Is...

It's about making choices and decisions. I think that's why INFPs who are extreme Ps are more depressed more often than INFPs who border J. The first reason is that I don't think INFPs can define "happy" in measurable terms. Happiness is some vague ideal like Truth. It's the P part of us, that keeps changing our definitions of happy. That's the 2nd reason for depression: self-worth issues. Your worth is measured by how well and how often your actions match your values and your view of yourself. Portrait of an INFP.

As an INFP, your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you deal with things according to how you feel about them, or how they fit into your personal value system.

Portrait of an INFP

Your secondary mode is external, where you take things in primarily via your intuition. INFPs, more than other iNtuitive Feeling types, are focused on making the world a better place for people. Their primary goal is to find out their meaning in life. What is their purpose? How can they best serve humanity in their lives? Surviving INFP. INFP: Most Judgmental Type? « Marmalade. Vicky Jo works in the field of Jungian typology.

INFP: Most Judgmental Type? « Marmalade

She is an INFJ, and she often writes about the distinction between INFJ and INFP. She mentions that John Beebe has experienced in his own practice that INFPs are the most judgmental types he has as clients. Let me explain why this might be from the perspective of my being an INFP. First off, Vicky Jo also says that Beebe considers Fi the least understood function-attitude.

So, there may be good reason that INFPs are or appear judgmental. INFPs can judge quickly because we are so capable of accessing people quickly. INFPs are sensitive, territorial, personal, self-aware, and perceptive… and so defensive of what we know at a deep level. INFP Profile. Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving by Joe Butt Profile: INFP Revision: 3.0 Date of Revision: 26 Feb 2005 "I remember the first albatross I ever saw. ... At intervals, it arched forth its vast archangel wings, as if to embrace some holy ark. Wondrous flutterings and throbbings shook it. The Portrait of a Healer Idealist. MBTI explained in details. An Open Letter to INFPs from David deVaughn. I decided to come home early so that I could respond to your e-mail.... I will start with asking a question - have you taken the MBTI previously and were you actually classified by a professional as INFP? Many of the online tests are not that accurate.

Careers for INFP Personality Types. Whether you're a young adult trying to find your place in the world, or a not-so-young adult trying to find out if you're moving along the right path, it's important to understand yourself and the personality traits which will impact your likeliness to succeed or fail at various careers. It's equally important to understand what is really important to you. When armed with an understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, and an awareness of what you truly value, you are in an excellent position to pick a career which you will find rewarding.