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10 Tricks to Make Yourself a Google+ Master. How to Migrate Your Facebook Account and Data to Google+ Arrrrrgh, the really sad part is that you sent this to me and in all that searching for an alternative fb/g+ sharer, I didn't realize this could also do that.

How to Migrate Your Facebook Account and Data to Google+

I'm having some trouble loading stuff up though. The home page is very slow, but loaded...but now that I've got it installed the Facebook and Twitter "login" pages don't seem to be loading at all. I'd love to add this to the article, but I can't really do that until I get it working...any advice? The FB/Twitter icons on the right side of the top toolbar should pop up authorization windows for each of the services and require you to login, once that is completed, you will have to click those buttons again & hit the "login" link one more time to get it to actually connect. Once you've connected, there will be checkbox/icons in the share box for whatever services you're signed into. Hopefully that helps... Yeah, what I'm saying is that when I click on the icons you mention, they *don't* pop up authorization windows. Start Google Plus Combines Google+ with Facebook and Twitter.

What Good is Google+ If My Friends Don't Use It? The Problem With Google+ Is That It's Work Facebook. Chronique du WE : Google, insécurité sociale. Mesdames et Messieurs, sous vos yeux ébahis, le réseau social de Google: +.

Chronique du WE : Google, insécurité sociale

Après plus d’un an de développement et des premiers essais vite enterrés, le titan de la recherche et de la pub abat ses cartes pour entrer dans la danse du social – et sauver son modèle économique. source image Google + ? Présentation, analyse, enjeu et paris dans la suite. Ces derniers jours, le web a résonné de cris désespérés, généralement structurés comme suit : « Qui a une inviation Google+, pleaaase ! C’est Google, normalC’est un service social, okCa à l’air très chouette, ah tiensBonus : la stratégie dite de « Régine » Petit aparté Régine : avant de devenir la créature hybride sans âge que l’on connaît aujourd’hui, Régine est surtout une icône de la vie nocturne, surnommé « La Reine de la Nuit », entrée dans la légende avec le lancement de sa discothèque « Chez Régine » à Cannes en 1961.

Stream Que dire de plus ? Sparks Plus originale, Spark est une fonctionalité démontrant les avantages de Google. Google's Real Names Policy is Evil. A Guide to Google+ Privacy and Information Control. Can you elaborate?

A Guide to Google+ Privacy and Information Control

I'm not sure if I understand what you mean. I think What I mean is that I have a hard time seeing how this is going to be any better or any worse in the long run, than any other social network that came before. I spent some time with fb and mirc and icq before that. And for a short time recently, twitter. Googlebetter.jpg (1677×2077) Google+ Cheat-Sheets [Infographics]

If you’ve peeked inside the door at Google+ but still don’t know where to sit or what to do with your hands, Simon Laustsen has laid out a couple of super-useful cheat sheets to get you started.

Google+ Cheat-Sheets [Infographics]

Everything You Need to Know About Google Plus and Photos. The simple exterior of Google Plus' photo section is deceptive It has been said that the biggest feature of Google Plus is that it’s not Facebook.

Everything You Need to Know About Google Plus and Photos

However, there’s another feature that may be of interest to all you Gadget Lab photo nerds out there: the photo integration. It turns out that G+ is a pretty sweet way to manage and view your shared photos. If you have ever tried to share your pictures on Facebook, then you’ll know the pain. And if you have tried to track down other people’s photos, it’s even worse. Getting the Photos in Browser You can add photos to your posts, just like you can with Twitter, but this article is about using and sharing galleries of your own snaps. The upload screen, with caption and rotate options To upload your photos you currently have a few choices. These upload with a progress meter on each image. Here's where you add a description and decide who to share the album with.