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How to Stretch On-the-Go. Illustrations by Shannon Orcutt Sitting at a desk (or on a plane or in the car) all day can be a huge pain in the, well, everything.

How to Stretch On-the-Go

But the simple act of stretching can bring along a heap of health benefits, including lowering blood pressure and potentially reducing the risk of heart disease. Going “Gumby” can also mean reduced muscle tension and improved flexibility— talk about an ahhh-ha moment . So stay put, and try these stretches anytime or place. Make Like Stretch Armstrong — Your Action Plan Before getting that synovial fluid flowing, channel an over-protective parent and put safety first.

Shoulders Roll out.Tense those shoulders while hacking away at that keyboard? Now, put that back into it! Neck Protect ya neck. Eyes on the road? Chest Open sesame. Stuck on a red eye? Triceps Go ahead, pat yourself on the back (with the right hand). Can’t reach? Clear Your Sinuses in 20 Seconds with Your Tongue and Your Thumb.


How Can I Get This Horrible Song Out of My Head? My System by J. P. Muller - Part Four. BACK to MULLER INDEX BACK to INTRODUCTION BACK to PART THREE FORWARD to PART FIVE Website & Contents Copyright © 2000 - 2003 Roger Fillary & Gil Waldron Please read the DISCLAIMER.

My System by J. P. Muller - Part Four

Summary of Muller's "My System" - Fullscreen. My System by J. P. Muller : J. P. Muller. Oldtime Workout Routine from JP Muller. ran a great article about an oldtime workout routine from Danish fresh air and fitness enthusiast J.P.

Oldtime Workout Routine from JP Muller

Müller. Müller created a simple set of exercises that could be done in one’s home, without any equipment, in just 15 minutes. Published in 1904 as a pamphlet, his recommendations became a book, My System, that sold two million copies worldwide. Franz Kafka was a devoted follower of the “Müller technique,” and “would do the movements, fully naked, in his window, twice each day.” The article on Slate is a great read and can be found here. J.P. On Slate’s website several people in the comments asked for a video of the routine. Franz Kafka, J.P. Müller: The exercise system that swept Europe in the early 1900s. (VIDEO) People often comment on my father's physique.

Franz Kafka, J.P. Müller: The exercise system that swept Europe in the early 1900s. (VIDEO)

Toned doesn't quite capture it: He looks carved. Unusually muscular. He is also, by any measure, ridiculously strong. He has never, to my knowledge, belonged to a gym. He plays tennis a bit. For as long as I can remember, my father has maintained the same workout regimen. When I was very young, I remember watching my grandfather practice Müller as well, as he had each morning since he learned it at Jewish summer camp on the banks of Austria's Lake Wolfgangsee.

Born in Asserballe, Denmark in 1866, J.P. Müller was the Tom Paine of free body movement and fresh air. Born sickly himself, so small "I could be placed in an ordinary cigar box," Müller nearly died of dysentery at two and "contracted every childhood complaint. " The Müller system is pretty much as I observed each morning growing up; it is something like a precursor to Pilates, it borrows from ballet, and it needs no equipment, other than commitment.

How Music Affects the Brain and How You Can Use it to Your Advantage. Top 10 Tricks that Give You Power Over Your Body. We may control a lot of what our body does, but sometimes it rebels—whether its with brain freeze, a gag reflex, or just plain bad vision.

Top 10 Tricks that Give You Power Over Your Body

Here are our top 10 body hacks that give the power back to you. P 10. Easily Swallow Stubborn PillsP If you aren't very good at swallowing pills, you can try this trick to get them down: tilt your head forward instead of backward once its in your mouth. 9. SExpand Being able to dilate your pupils at will can help you see the world differently, and there are a number of ways you can go about it—from tensing your stomach in different ways to just focusing on objects that are far away. 8. We all know that tingling feeling you get when your hand or foot goes to sleep, and how annoying it is. 7. When your body feels like its going to overheat from the scorching summer sun, you can lower your body temperature quickly using one of your body's quick cooling spots, like your wrist or the back of your knee. How to Get a Full Body Workout with Nothing But Your Body.