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Tests Stress/Load

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Tsung. AM Stereo » Blog Archive » Using Tsung for Load Testing Rails or Web Apps. September 12, 2008 by Austin Mills After trying some other load-testing tools, I found Tsung, a load-testing application written in Erlang to take advantage of that language’s concurrency support.

AM Stereo » Blog Archive » Using Tsung for Load Testing Rails or Web Apps

It scales well (it’s been used to simulate tens of thousands of users), it supports forms and HTTP sessions, and includes some niceties like proxy recording, ‘thinktime’ support, and a choice of random or ordered traffic. Not having a physical server handy to run Tsung isn’t a big obstacle; I just used an Amazon EC2 instance (an xlarge turned out to be more than enough, you could probably get 100s of users on a medium), which due to being rentable by the hour is great for a short-term need like occasional load-testing.

I put one of Alestic’s Ubuntu images on the EC2 instance, and then it’s just a few short steps to install Tsung on the machine (we’ll call it ‘tsunghost’): Update: Ben says in the comments, “Tsung now has Ubuntu packages, so you don’t need to compile. Like this: Like Loading... Joe Dog Software - Siege Manual. Introduction Siege is an http/https regression testing and benchmarking utility.

Joe Dog Software - Siege Manual

It was designed to let web developers measure the performance of their code under duress, to see how it will stand up to load on the internet. It lets the user hit a web server with a configurable number of concurrent simulated users. Those users place the webserver “under siege.” The duration of the siege is measured in transactions, the sum of simulated users and the number of times each simulated user repeats the process of hitting the server. Invocation The format for invoking siege is: siege options… siege supports the following command line options: ‘ -V ‘ ‘ –version’ Print version information to the screen. ‘ -h ‘ ‘ –help’ Print the help section. . ‘ -C ‘ ‘ –config’ Print the current configuration.

. ‘ -v ‘ ‘ –verbose ‘ Verbose output. OpenWebLoad. JMeter - Apache JMeter. MilamberSpace » Tutoriels JMeter. MilamberSpace – JMeter Apache JMeter (surtout), Apache CloudStack (un peu) mais aussi GNU/Linux, OpenSource, l'Informatique, etc.

MilamberSpace » Tutoriels JMeter

Tutoriels JMeter Voici une page de résumé des articles ou billets sur mon blog au sujet de Apache JMeter. Présentation de JMeter et aussi : Retour dans le passé, voici les différentes versions de JMeter = Débuter avec JMeter = Faire son premier test de charge Sauvegarder dans un fichier votre session de navigation lors de l’enregistrement de vos scénarios fonctionnels = Dynamiser son scénario JMeter = = Aller plus loin = = Test de charge = Faire un tir de charge par paliers et exploiter les résultats Test de charge à distance (remote testing) JMeter : le mode non-gui Faire un test distribué avec des injecteurs à deux cartes réseaux Les 10 choses à vérifier avant de lancer son test de charge avec JMeter = Visualiser ses résultats = Génération de graphiques de résultats avec Calc Faire des graphiques de résultats JMeter avec Gnuplot.

A perfect load-testing tool. Software Testing Tools. Open Source Web Performance Tool. Multi-mechanize - Project Hosting on Google Code. List of Web Application Stress Testers.