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Twitter as a Metacognitive Support Device by Alan Reid. “If student satisfaction, engagement, and metacognitive awareness are all part of your definition of a successful course, then Twitter may be an option for you.” Integrating social media into academia is not a novel idea. And since you are reading this, chances are you probably have been utilizing some feature of social media in the classroom for years. What is more interesting is asking why academia should exploit social media and, more specifically, Twitter. Some learners are effective at self-regulation; that is, they guide their learning through metacognition – thinking about their own learning – and through strategic action and evaluation of their own progress.

Increasing metacognitive awareness (knowing what you know, and what you don’t know) is critical for better self-regulation. What is a metacognitive support device? In a paper written in 2000, Ward Cates delineates two types of metacognitive support: static/directive support and dynamic/interactive support. Four types of tweets. 12 Common Education Technology Implementation Problems and How to Prevent and Remediate Them. Learning Solutions Magazine: Home. Towards alternative lifelong learning(s): what Freire can still teach us. Judith Walker, Doctoral Candidate [1] Educational Studies, University of British Columbia I am hopeful, not out of mere stubbornness, but out of an existential, concrete imperative (Freire, 1999, p.8) Introduction In the first edition of the Rizoma Freireano, McLaren and Jaramillo (2008) contributed an article calling for ‘alternative globalizations’. In this paper, the authors firmly reject the inevitability of a global neoliberal capitalism, which has come to dominate our understandings of the nature of globalization, and instead put forward the alternative ideals of ‘critical globalization studies’ and ‘critical globalization pedagogy’.

By using the term ‘alternative’ the authors reframe the word ‘globalization’ and reappropriate it to some extent rather than endorsing a binary understanding of a pre-destined and already-defined concept, which would have occurred had they relied on the term ‘anti’. The Dominant Lifelong Learning Imperative The Development of Lifelong Learning… International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM) The iJIM journal aims to focus on the exchange of relevant trends and research results as well as the presentation of practical experiences gained while developing and testing elements of interactive mobile technologies. The objective of the journal is to publish and discuss fundamentals, applications and experiences in the field of interactive mobile technologies in learning and teaching as well as in industrial and other applications. iJIM is an Open Access Journal. Readers don't have to pay any fee. Only registration is necessary.

Vol 8, No 1 (2014) Table of Contents Papers Reports. 3 raisons pour lesquelles vous devriez passer au Serious Game pour vos prochaines formations. Bloom and bust. Les thèses en e-éducation. Je vous propose une liste des thèses publiées depuis 2008 dont le sujet est relatif à un aspect de la e-éducation. Je me suis appuyée sur les bases HAL et de l’ATIEF, il en manque sûrement. N’hésitez pas à me signaler les oublis, les omissions et les erreurs. Merci D’avance Abedmouleh Aymen – Approche Domain-Specific Modeling pour l’opérationnalisation des scénarios pédagogiques sur les plateformes de formation à distance. (11/07/2013). Université du Maine. Barhoumi Zaara – Étude de l’usage du stylo numérique en recherche en sciences de l’éducation : traitement et représentation des données temps issues de la trace d’écriture avec un stylo numérique.

Blanchard Maha Abboud - Les technologies dans l’enseignement des mathématiques. Burns Anne-marie – Pertinence de l’utilisation d’humains virtuels pour l’enseignement de gestes moteurs : études de cas avec des gestes de karaté. Delomier Florent – Jeux Pédagogiques Collaboratifs situés : conception et mise en œuvre dirigée par les modèles. Samuel_fournier_affiche.pdf (Objet application/pdf) mLearnCon 2012 Mobile Learning Conference & Expo.

Ingenierie-pedagogique.pdf (Objet application/pdf) Transmédia storytelling. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. La narration transmédia (en anglais, transmedia storytelling ) est une méthode de développement d'œuvres de fiction ou documentaires et de produits de divertissement nouvelle qui se caractérise par l'utilisation combinée de plusieurs médias pour développer des univers narratifs, des franchises, chaque média employé développant un contenu différent. De plus chaque contenu peut être appréhendé de manière indépendante, en général, et sont tous des points d'entrée dans l'univers transmédiatique de l’œuvre.De par la diversité des contenus et la profondeur narrative de l’univers que cela engendre, la narration transmédia est singulière par rapport aux modes de narration classique[1].

Attention ! Principe[modifier | modifier le code] La narration transmédia se différencie du multimédia qui décline un contenu principal sur des médias complémentaires. Les différents contenus diffusés participent à la création d’un véritable univers. J. Une nouvelle pédagogie pour les jeunes ? Épilogue (VIII sur VIII) La plasticité. La plasticité pédagogique est la capacité à intégrer dans le processus ce qui n’a pas été prévu en amont, flexibilité et adaptabilité.

Une pédagogie est flexible si face à une pression de l’environnement, elle est capable de s’ajuster sans perdre son élasticité. Autrement dit, lorsque la pression cesse, elle retrouve son point d’équilibre. La plasticité est élastique. À cette flexibilité s’ajoute l’adaptabilité. Ce qui est intéressant dans cette pédagogie nouvelle c’est que rien n’est écrit, tout reste à écrire. Stéphane DIEBOLD, TEMNA. eBook April 2012 - Thank You Success Page. The Thing about Multiple-Choice Tests … by Mike Dickinson. “The thing about multiple-choice questions is that the answer is right there on the screen. So the challenge as question-writers is to construct the question and its answer choices in such a way that the learner really has to master the objective in order to select the correct choice.” You can easily psyche out a multiple-choice test, right? I mean, based on the fact that you're a developer of online instruction, I assume that part of the reason you reached your current position is that you're a good test taker.

Now you're on the other end of the spectrum, designing multiple-choice questions and hoping your learners' answer choices will be based on their actual knowledge and not their clever testmanship. So the challenge in writing these items is to create a valid measure of the learner's knowledge. We don't want learners to get clues from a question’s construction vs. its content, nor do we want to resort to trickery as the way to increase difficulty. Give-aways. Answers Question 1: D. Sköld. L’actualité pédagogique et du monde de la formation #11.

A Symbiosis Between Instructional Systems Design and Project Management / Une symbiose de la conception de matériel pédagogique et de la gestion de projet | Pan | Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology / La revue canadienne de l’apprentissage et de l. A Symbiosis Between Instructional Systems Design and Project Management / Une symbiose de la conception de matériel pédagogique et de la gestion de projet Abstract This study is intended to explore a complementary relationship between instructional systems design (ISD) and project management in an attempt to build a plausible case for integrating project management as a distinct course in the core of the graduate instructional systems design programs.

It is argued that ISD and project management should form a symbiosis from a curriculum perspective, in a hope for the prepared instructional designers to create values for customers. An integrated view of ISD and project management is proposed, using three concepts of project management as a reasonable bridge for the integration. Keywords Instructional systems design; project management; instructional technology. 0402_hotte_basque.pdf (Objet application/pdf) The Accidental Instructional Designer by Cammy Bean.

“You may have found your way into this field by accident, but it is what you’re doing in the here and now, so you might as well do it well and with great passion and delight.” When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A doctor? A teacher? A firefighter? As a teenager and young adult, I set my sights on becoming a writer or a teacher. Let’s get personal How did I get here? From there I went to a “multimedia production” company that hired me as an instructional designer. What about you? So what’s your story? As eLearning continues to grow and expand as an industry, we see more and more people finding their way into the field by accident. Kicking it up a notch So what can you do – for yourself and for your internal teams – to start creating better eLearning that actually achieves real performance change?

You can do lots of things, but let’s start at the beginning. What’s the fire in your belly? First and foremost: Get your passion on. Make connections Read books. Top eLearning Learning Behavior Roles Content for Thu.Feb 23. L’histoire de Linux résumée en infographie. GNU/Linux, le système d’exploitation qui a su imposer une manière différente de faire des logiciels : les rendre libres, afin que tout un chacun puisse participer à la correction des bugs et des failles de sécurité, mais aussi puisse créer ses propres projets en s’inspirant du code existant.

Sa grande flexibilité lui permet d’être présent sur des plateformes de plus en plus nombreuses : non seulement les ordinateurs, mais aussi les téléphones portables, les tablettes, les supercalculateurs, les systèmes embarqués, etc… Pour fêter les 20 ans du système libre le plus utilisé dans le monde, voici une très bonne infographie vous présentant les grandes étapes de l’histoire de Linux, qui a irrémédiablement changé l’informatique que nous utilisons de nos jours : Source.

One Learning Challenge: Four Designers Put Their Skills to the Test by Tracy Bissette. “What I find most inspiring is the individuality brought to each solution. The unique ideas shared in this challenge – a pre-test, a motivating campaign, varying levels of scaffolding, an acronym for easy recall – demonstrate that instructional designs can be enhanced by other viewpoints.”

Mentorship is a powerful teaching tool. As an instructional designer (ID), I’ve recognized that ideas from mentors and peers have been a catalyst for my professional growth. With this in mind, I created a session for DevLearn 2011 that would give session participants insights into the thought processes of skilled instructional designers. The session title was “One Learning Challenge: Three Designers Put Their Skills to the Test.” Three of my colleagues agreed enthusiastically to participate in the session with me. The challenge Client The client, the Door Security & Safety Foundation, provides programs that enhance the safety and security of existing buildings. Performance objectives Parameters Figure 1.