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Chios Energy Healing ( Aura and Chakra Healing ) - Alternative Medicine / Holistic Health. SYMBOLS AND VISUALIZATION(Using Symbols to Call In Extra Energy) A good first step in learning to give more powerful and effective healing treatments is to learn to call in greater amounts of healing energy into yourself. In fact, the effective use of most of the healing tools you will learn in Chios Level II also requires that you have the ability to call in this greater amount of energy for use in healing. In the first Chios level you learned how to call in the energy by "seeing," in your mind's eye, the energy flowing into you from all around, down your arms and into your hands and then conducting into your patient.

In this level, you will also use healing symbols, which are tools—vehicles for the focus of energy. Your first important use of healing symbols will be to employ them to greatly add to the amount of energy you call in and channel into your patient. There are three symbols used in this level of the Chios system: the Circle, the Trine, and the Star.

The Circle: The Circle. Chakras & Color Info and Jewelry - Robyn A Harton Creative "And I still haven't found what I'm looking for. " ~~U2 The interwebz says, "The requested URL was not found on this server. " Most likely, the page you're looking for got relocated during the most recent site improvement project. That or it was abducted by aliens. Or maybe it went on vacation. Or maybe I just blew it and it's a bad link. You have options! If you want to complain or just let me know about the AWOL page, contact me to let me know what page you were on when you clicked to get this weird message, and I'll try to figure out where it went. Sorry for the hassle!

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