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Things to Make and Do. Faire un meuble en carton avec un plan modèle. Plan pour faire un petit meuble de 66cm X 49cm Ce patron de meuble en carton permet de faire un meuble de 81cm X 60cm Toujours le même modèle avec ce gabarit plus grand: 110cm x 81cm 80cm x 110cm 70cm x 110cm Ici le patron à été étiré en hauteur pour faire deux plans de meubles en carton assez ressemblant mais si différents!

Faire un meuble en carton avec un plan modèle

Cliquez sur les imagettes ci-contre, pour ouvrir et imprimer les gabarits sur plusieurs feuilles. Peut-être devrez-vous configurer votre imprimante. Une série de modèles plus larges. Encore plus large avec ce gabarit de meuble qui fait 100cm x 49cm Ce modèle de meuble de 108cm x 49cm pourrait presque servir pour faire une table basse. Meubles en carton marie krtonne. Moving Cubes (no tape) How to make an Origami (Napkin) Butterfly. Origami firework.

Transforming star. 【YouTube】Escape puzzle Christmas Version. 3D Origami Flower Demo for the Lot 8 Summer Window. Good afternoon everyone!

3D Origami Flower Demo for the Lot 8 Summer Window

I just wanted show y’all the new Lot 8 summer window we have been working on. I wanted to do a very bright colorful window for the store and I found this origami technique and fell in love with the flower it made. The written directions were kind of confusing but I figured it out after a few times. So I thought I would demonstrate how simple it really is and how beautiful the out come will be! Each flower we made takes 5 pieces of paper and each half circle takes 6 flowers, so in all we folded 1440 pieces of paper! Hope you love it as much as I do!

Origami Diagrams. Folding Help: How to Divide a square or rectangle into 3rds, 5ths or 7ths is here.

Origami Diagrams

How to cut a Pentagon from a square is here. How to fold a Stretched Bird Base is here. Paper Money - download a 4x10 inch oversized bill (front and back) for demonstrating money folding to a group. Print it out on light green paper for added realism. Yami Yamauchi's Models: Diagrams for Yami Yamauchi's models are here in Yami's Corner.

Models: Bookcase by Mari Michaelis PDF - diagrammed by Mari Michaelis. Angel by Tadashi Mori This adorable Angel inspired me to make dozens of them during the holidays. PDF - diagrammed by Mari Michaelis. Marigami Paper Cuts. Finding your paper passion: Discover the ways people are expressing themselves through paper.

Marigami Paper Cuts

Dog-ear that Book Now that I have a Kindle, I find I still miss the feel of a "real" book in my hands. Enter the unusual craft of Book Folding / Page Folding / Altered Books - create a clever piece of artwork from books that you might otherwise discard. For instuctions, patterns and tips, visit The ReFab Diaries. Dragon Illusion While origami proficiency isn't needed for this, it will certainly make it easier for us to assemble this cool optical illusion by magician Jerry Andrus. After the dragon has been folded, as you walk around it, it will appear to turn its head and follow you (you'll need to close one eye). Paper Illusion Is it magic? Quilling I finally discovered what to do with all those stips of paper that are left-over when I cut copy paper down to size: Paper Quilling. Kirigami Art made out of a single piece of paper, often folded, that has been cut into a design. How to Build origami modules for 3D origami. 3D Origami - How To Make Base Triangles And Basement.

3D origami - How to make base triangles and basement. How to make 3d origami. Chinese Paper Cutting.