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Coding, art, ect 2

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JS006: Slow Spines ( Coded With Love. Labs.fluuu. Nicolas Barradeau \ popcorn \\ Fred Briolet \ Dispositions \\ Gwen Vanhee \ codebrush \\ Xiaohan Zhang \ dots \\ Jon Andersson \ sea-something \\ GuruBlog. GuruBlog Processing Sketches Links Search Twitter Follow me on Twitter Book Music Tags 3daddonadventanimationanimation nodesarduinoartbitwigblendercalendarCreativitycurvecyclesdrawingfacefluidforcefieldfreestylemakerbotmarkermaterialmodifiermonstermusicnproscparticlesphotophysicsprocessingprocessing.jspythonradioraspberrypirobotrubysimulationsynthtexturevolca.

Code Sketch. Philip Galanter » Resources. Fractals and generative art resources. HTML5 Canvas. Mechanical Grass. Tim Holman on CodePen. Andrew Hoyer. Html5 digital art - Infinite-Boils - Joao Martinho Moura. Drips. Tree generator - nuostudio's lab. The Christmas Experiments - Christmas Shape., Angelo Plessas, 2011., Angelo Plessas, 2011, Courtesy Chrysanthos Panas collection., 2011, Angelo Plessas. Line. Html5 digital art - closedLine - Joao Martinho Moura. The Labs - Experiments in JavaScript, Canvas and DHTML. Html5 digital art - tr-lines - Joao Martinho Moura. JavaScript Image ASCIIfier. Utilizing magic and the <canvas> element to turn internet images into sexy ASCII art Download : jsascii.js Example usage: Original image: ASCII image: jsAscii grabs the image from the page and paints it on a hidden canvas element.

JavaScript Image ASCIIfier

The pixel data can then be retrieved from the canvas and converted into ASCII code. The following custom attributes can be set on image elements to control the ASCII conversion: Other examples: Issues and compatibility: Only works in <canvas> capable browsers (no IE) Tested in Firefox and Opera 9.50b Opera only works with the latest beta (currently 9.50b) due to missing getImageData support. Mesh Doodle - PJS + WebGL - toxiclibs.js examples. Smooth Doodle - Spline2D - toxiclibs.js examples.

Skulldraw. Filterrific! (20) Mobile Processing. HTML5 Canvas. UnVerse for iOS. A gorgeous little music toy, never to be released on iPhone and iPad... play with the original Flash version by Ian Snyder...

unVerse for iOS

(or go play the original original version on Ian's website) Apple decided that unVerse did not have enough "use", so it won't ever be released. You can download the source code if you want to play around. Ablaze.js. Irregular Sticks, a computational painting system. Self-Dividing Forms, a computational sketch. Combinatoric Critters, a computational sketch. Peters Wave, a computational sketch. Blue Boxes, a computational sketch. Dough « Recommended Version 7 Update 55 Select the file according to your operating system from the list below to get the latest Java for your computer.

Dough «

By downloading Java you acknowledge that you have read and accepted the terms of the end user license agreement <p><span class="termhighlight">In order to optimize your experience and provide you with accurate messages, please enable javascript in your browser for the duration of your Java installation. </span></p> What is Java? Java allows you to play online games, chat with people around the world, calculate your mortgage interest, and view images in 3D, just to name a few. » What is Java FAQ» More information about Java Java software for your computer, or the Java Runtime Environment, is also referred to as the Java Runtime, Runtime Environment, Runtime, JRE, Java Virtual Machine, Virtual Machine, Java VM, JVM, VM, Java plug-in, Java plugin, Java add-on or Java download.

Nebula Generator « Recommended Version 7 Update 51 Select the file according to your operating system from the list below to get the latest Java for your computer.

Nebula Generator «

By downloading Java you acknowledge that you have read and accepted the terms of the end user license agreement <p><span class="termhighlight">In order to optimize your experience and provide you with accurate messages, please enable javascript in your browser for the duration of your Java installation. </span></p> GENWARE. Rose Fabric - HTML5 Generative Art. Proximity Of Needs. Mira. Liamc. WithoutTitle. Mozilla Developer Network. Mozilla Developer Network. Mozilla Developer Network. Glazing ribbon screensaver effect in HTML5 canvas.