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Outils de visualisation bitcoin

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Fiatleak - watch the world's currencies flow into BTC in realtime. Bitcoin Map Shows China Winning the Race. Bitcoin Nodes Web GL Globe. Interactive World Map: Merchants that Accept Bitcoin across the Globe | According to the new crowdsourced map from, number of physical locations that accept bitcoin has increased. In the beginning of November, there were 552 merchants being pinned on the CoinMap, which shows the locations of phusical merchants that accept bitcoin across the globe, and there were over 1000 locations on the map by 27th November. CoinMap was created in April by Pavol Rusnak, who is also working on the hardware bitcoin wallet Trezor.

CoinMap is a crowdsourced map that all locations are informed by map users or bitcoin merchants. Users can add pins on the map by following steps in the following video: Map Reviews: 4/5 StarsThis map is simple and user-friendly that users can mouse click the bitcoin icons for detailed information. Other than the CoinMap, another map from is also used for showcasing locations that accept bitcoin with over 1400 pins on it currently. Bitcoin is getting more popular and is being concerned by the market nowadays.

CoinMap. Use Bitcoins in the real world.