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Concepto Coworking

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Coworking » I+Coworking en Barcelona. Coworking. El coworking (en español cotrabajo,[1] trabajo cooperativo o trabajo en cooperación) es una forma de trabajo que permite a profesionales independientes, emprendedores, y pymes de diferentes sectores, compartir un mismo espacio de trabajo, tanto físico como virtual, para desarrollar sus proyectos profesionales de manera independiente, a la vez que fomentan proyectos conjuntos.


El neologismo «cotrabajo» [1] es la traducción al español del término coworking, pero el uso directo del anglicismo es casi más aceptado que el propio término «cotrabajo». El coworking permite compartir oficina y equipamientos, y constituye una propuesta más elaborada que los de los denominados «cibercafés», entornos en los que también se cuenta con conexión a Internet. El trabajo cooperativo fomenta las relaciones estables entre profesionales de diferentes sectores que pueden desembocar en relaciones cliente-proveedor. Historia[editar] Véase también[editar] Coworking. Coworking is a style of work that involves a shared working environment, often an office, and independent activity.


Unlike in a typical office environment, those coworking are usually not employed by the same organization.[1] Typically it is attractive to work-at-home professionals, independent contractors, or people who travel frequently who end up working in relative isolation.[2] Coworking is also the social gathering of a group of people who are still working independently, but who share values,[3] and who are interested in the synergy that can happen from working with like-minded talented people in the same space.[4][5] Coworking offers a solution to the problem of isolation that many freelancers experience while working at home, while at the same time letting them escape the distractions of home.[6][7] Coworking is not only about the physical space, but about establishing the coworking community first.

History[edit] Manifiesto Coworking - La Industrial. Coworking Manifesto. We believe that society is facing unprecedented economic, environmental, social and cultural challenges.

Coworking Manifesto

We also believe that new innovations are the key to turning these challenges into opportunities to improve our communities and our planet. Coworking is redefining the way we do work. Inspired by the participatory culture of the open source movement and the empowering nature of IT, we are building a more sustainable future. We are a group of connected individuals and small businesses creating an economy of innovation and creativity in our communities and worldwide. We envision a new economic engine composed of collaboration and community, in contrast to the silos and secrecy of the 19th/20th century economy. We have the talent. This new economy cannot thrive without engaging the larger business, creative, entrepreneurial, governmental, non governmental and technical communitiestogether. We believe that innovation breeds innovation. Canada Centre for Social Innovation.

The Centre for Social Innovation provides a variety of meeting and event spaces to the social mission community.

Canada Centre for Social Innovation

Since our opening in 2004, we have hosted hundreds of events ranging from board meetings to book launches, from two-person interviews to 200-person press conferences. Our event spaces invite the social enterprise sector to learn, connect, and create in a beautiful and dynamic shared environment. Book the Space Looking for event or meeting space? Come to the Centre for Social Innovation!

Events @CSI Our space is a community space that creates opportunities to build and share your ideas for social impact. EL ARTE DEL COWORKING - EXCLAMA. Las ideas colectivas están por todas partes, pero los espacios de colaboración son más bien escasos. Ante esa carencia nació la iniciativa de nodos de trabajo HUB. Estos son espacios versátiles, en donde se desarrollan todo tipo de proyectos, se incuban negocios y se abren espacios taller.

Cualquier persona con ganas de crear se puede vincular a los HUB y es justamente la mezcla de diferentes conocimientos y formas de pensar lo que moviliza estos espacios. El intercambio se vuelve fuente de creatividad, genera una atmósfera de progreso y propone una dinámica más contemporánea de trabajo. Esta idea se ha replicado tanto, que ha llegado a convertirse en un movimiento global con sedes en cada continente. HUB, Madrid ThirdDoor coworking con guarderia. The Coworking Forecast 2013. The diversity of the coworking movement is growing, resulting in an higher number and variety of coworking spaces.

The Coworking Forecast 2013

We see that more members are open to changing their space, so what’s going on with the coworking spaces? Compared to last results, those spaces with many members plan to open more often new locations. The smaller spaces instead focus more often on expansions within their existing location or have plans to move to a bigger one. Furthermore, more competition in this collaborative and new market does not to lead to declining revenues. In fact, 9 out of 10 coworking spaces expect a significant increase in comparison to the previous year.

More members, more events, more of pretty much everything. New coworking spaces continue to expect, on a relative scale, a higher plus in income compared to the more established spaces. Two thirds of the coworking spaces plan to expand - like last year.